Who Would Win

"He survived, boss," A man said, bowing his head to the other man who had his back turned to him, a lit cigarette stick held in between his fingers. 

From the way the man referred to him and bowed his head low, it was obvious that the one seated down was his superior. And the man in question turned in his swivel seat and came to face him fully now. 

"Of course, he did." He said, drawing a long puff from his cigarette and released the smoke in the air. 

Even when the smoke got in his face and trickled his nostrils, tempting him to cough, the man didn't react and stood his ground while the boss stared at him in amusement. 

"What fun would it be if he died already?" He asked, taking the last puffs of the cigarette and using his fingers to flick the ash into the ashtray.