Fan The Flames

The ride back home was awkward. It wasn't every day that Gabriel drove a car, yet Zoe did not enjoy it as she thought she would. Her head was racing with thoughts and as much as she wanted to calm down, she had no control over it. 

There was no way on earth that Gabriel liked her, it was impossible! To think that she had once wished that he would like her, but now that she was getting close to the truth, Zoe was nothing but scared. If it was indeed the truth, then there are many ways things could go wrong and she would get hurt. The reality was different from expectations. 

So she closed herself off during the ride making it all the more awkward especially when he tried to start a conversation with her. Perhaps, Gabriel got the point because he stopped bothering her afterward and they drove on in silence. To be honest, Zoe dreaded going home with him. 

"Wait a minute…." Zoe nearly jumped out of her seat when she saw him make a wrong turn.