Gabriel Has To Return


Anderson was more than delighted to see his second-in-command, twirling the wine glass in his grip, the content swirling before he brought it to his lips and took a sip.

He lowered the glass and said, "Tell me you have news for me."

"I do, boss." 

At that comment, Alderson's gaze brightened and he put down his glass on the stool in front of him and sat straight, eager to know what he has found out. 

"Just as you presumed, Gabriel can speak five languages fluently." 

"Then why he would tell me that his Italian is rustic?" Anderson thought about it, the wheels in his head turning, "The Gabriel I have known and studied is confident. He would never admit to a weakness." 

"There's more, boss," Philip said, rousing him from his thought. 

"Tell me." He said. 

"There have been thoughts that his second in command sticks to his side."