It Was Goodbye

"Teacher Zoe, I'm sure you already know why I summoned you to -" Mrs. Peterson was still saying when Zoe gently placed a letter on her desk. 

"What is… oh," She recognized the word, 'resignation' written on top of the envelope. 

With a deep sigh, Mrs. Peterson took off her glasses and stared at her, "Zoe… " She decided to drop the formality, "You're someone that I have known for a while now and I'm sure that we can explore other choices other than quitting -" 

"No, this is the best choice. I have been living a lie all this time and now that it's exposed, I have never been so free. Even if I manage to resolve this crisis without telling more lies, I have lost the respect of my students and the parents wouldn't trust their children with me any more. They would surely want me out. I don't want to cause any more problems, not when you have done enough for me. Thank you so much, Mrs. Peterson." She told her sincerely, her head bowed in respect.