Chapter 20: She's Alive!

"Strange;" She murmured to the box.

She untied the ribbon and opened the box slowly. But then, her eyes got bigger, lips parted In surprise when she saw the content In the box. She stood up slowly from her seat and held the boxes with her shaky hands.

Mr. Ambrose happened to come downstairs at that time, he rushed to her and held her hand.

" Lucy you okay?" He asked with a surprise registered on his face. He has never seen his wife so frightened before.

" No…Nothing" She pulled herself together and closed the box back then faced her husband

" You're set for work?" Lucy gave him a smile.

" Yes, but you will be fine won't you? What's in the box anyways?" Mr. Ambrose tried to peep but Mrs. Ambrose quickly hid it behind her.

" It's nothing. It's a jewelry, I was just so shock to see it that's all"

Mr. Ambrose gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before leaving the house.

Lucy Ambrose, took the box and ran upstairs to her room. She knocked down the glass of water on the table as a result of her aggravating fear.

" Agatha! Agatha" She yelled as she strode the stairs.

" Yes mum, what's wrong? Why do you look so pale? Have you seen a ghost?" Agatha giggled but Lucy wasn't in the mood for her jokes and grabbed her wrist tightly and pulled her into her room.

" What's wrong mum?" Agatha held her wrist in her hand and rubbed gently.

" I saw a ghost. Take a look" She handed the box over to her.

Aggie took the box from her slowly, hesitating to open it. She looked at her mother-in-law before she looked back at the box.

" Just take a look" Mrs. Ambrose became impatient.

Agatha opened the box slowly and when she saw the pictures inside and the note on them she gasps for air and her knees become weak.

" She's alive mum! She's alive and coming back for us" The words escaped her mouth like a whisper. She turned to Lucy and grabbed her hand.

" What should we do, mum? What!"

" pull yourself together! I have to find out where the hell she's but first can you leave me alone" She asked Agatha to leave. But Aggie looks scared that she doesn't want to be alone at the moment but then, she has to trust her mother-in-law. Because she always has a plan.

When Lucy was finally alone in the room, she looked around fidgeting. Thinking about what to do next. But how can she be alive! That's not possible.

She ran to the secret save in her room and punched in some code. She took out her special phone and stared at it. She looked at the name ' Doctor' Lucy knew she hadn't called him in years but right now, she needed him more than ever.

She dialed the number and waited for the person on the other end of the phone to speak.

" Wow, how long has it been, eight years! Yes, eight years." Scorpion replied.

" What do you want?" He suddenly became serious.

" I need your help, it's about the girl. You have to find her and don't mess it up this time. I want her gone for good now" Lucy said heartlessly.

" Rougher" Scorpion replied with uttermost attention.


Desmond grumbled at his phone. He has been trying so hard to get Frances but she hasn't been replying to any of his messages or calls for days now.

He was so worried about her. He just hopes she's fine. He picked up the phone to dialed the number for the umpteenth times but lucky was he when she finally decided to answer the phone.

" Goodness Frances, how are you? I really was worried about you. How are you doing today?" He stood up from the bed and was pacing In the room and scratching his head as if he was talking to his crush.

" I'm doing quite alright Desmond. I'm sorry for just being in my space and closing up on you, it's just that…"

" It's Alright, I understand," He interrupted her. He moved his phone from his left ear to the right one and continued.

" I don't know if you mind if I come take you out for lunch today, that's if you don't mind."

" I'm free today, so I will say yes," Frances replied without hesitating.

Desmond ended the call and his heart was leaping for joy. He rushed to his closet to get a shirt for his outing. He was moving around happily when Tedros ran in with his toy in his hand.

" Dad, why are you so happy?" He jumped on the bed and looked into his father's eyes.

" Well, dad's going somewhere with a friend" Desmond replied and gave him a quick kiss on his white fat cheek.

" Oh, can I come with you? Not just me, Rihanna as well, we would love to meet your friend"

Desmond looked displeased by the little guy, he wanted to be alone with Frances so they might talk about lots of things. He bent over forward to him and said.

" Don't you think it's better if you stay home with your girlfriend?" He touched his nose playfully.

" No! You remember you promised me you will help us fix another date" Tedros pouted.

Desmond saw the sad look on his face and smiled. He knew Tedros is used to getting everything he wants but not today.

" Buddy, you can come…"

" Yeee! Dad's the best" He interrupted him and jumped happily around the bed.

He got down and ran outside the room, headed to Rihanna's to tell her to get ready while his father took them both out.

" What's with this guy? I wanted to say he could come but maybe some other time". Desmond placed his hands around his waist and watched the empty space.

Tesros happily told Rihanna about their outing but she was sad because of what to wear.

" But what should I wear Tedros? I mean I need to look good" Rihanna complained as she looked into his eyes with worry written all over her.

" Do you girls love saying that even when you have so much clothes in your closet?" Tedros remembered how his mother always nag about not having anything to wear even when her closet is filled to the brim.

" But I need to look nice" Rihanna swipes her hair to the back of her ear in a ladylike manner.

" But.." Tedros doesn't know what to say he was damn confused.

" Okay! Okay! You two. Tedros you can leave now and I promise to get Rihanna ready for you" Rihanna mother moved closer to the both of them and gave them a smile.

" Thank you auntie" That was such a relief! Tedros ran upstairs to his room to also get ready for their outing.