My pores are burning, but I've gone too far to turn back now. I could care less if you were still my legal guardian, at least with regards to the trust money. When we went on our trip last year, I asked you to drive the rear seat for me. I wanted you to take off my bikini when I was nineteen and force me to come all over your mouth, just as you said you would. Since I can't decipher his expression, I'll have to keep going. When you saw me dressed as a schoolgirl when I was twenty, I wanted you to act on the attraction you felt. The age of 21 for all three of them. Here I am, at the age of twenty-two..."
Eyes flicker. Please pardon my interruption.
Not twenty-two. On that particular birthday, a decent fucking wasn't necessary. All you needed was some TLC, and I gave it to you.
I'd want to debate him just to debate him, but he's right. That birthday means nothing sexual at all. "Alright, that's it, not twenty-two."
David looks at me thoughtfully for a moment. Stay the course.
To paraphrase: "Tell me you didn't want to fuck that body paint right off me at twenty-three."
His expression becomes hostile. You're safe as long as I'm in charge of your trust money, since I'd have to be a monster to touch you. He puts his fingers in the waistband of my pants and pulls them down my legs. It's true that you were an adult, but legally I was still responsible for you since I was your guardian.
So you're saying you weren't interested in fucking me? I let my legs spread as he eases my pants over my heels. You didn't consider how nice it would be for my pussy to be stroked by your cock, did you? Absolutely not! Something about a garter belt, thigh-highs, and no pants makes me ridiculously attractive.
David seems to agree with me, judging by his expression. His eyes go to the spot on my pussy where my remaining underwear frames it. “Anna.” His tone was again ominous and threatening.
I respond to his imitation with my own. “David”
You are engaging in risky behavior.
I've always been that way. The only way I can sit up is to use my elbows. Say to yourself, "It's only one night. During just one night of our make-believe, we went six times above the limit. After only one night of play, you'll be the guardian who can't quit thinking about how his charge's pussy tastes. For one night, I lusted for the eligible bachelor I knew I shouldn't have. If you tell me that it doesn't seem good, we can scrap it.
His hands glide up my legs and pause at the top of my stockings. To paraphrase, "You know that interests me."
We need one more surge to take us over the top. I have everything ready to go. I have the ability to make a quick adjustment now.
Whenever he moves, he stands perfectly still. In other words, "You prepared for this so well."
You can always count on hope. I was sure I hadn't misjudged the sparks between us, and I was hoping to be well-equipped in case things went according to plan. There will never be another time for me to live out my dreams the right way. Tonight is the only option. I beg you, David Tease me if you want to.
There was a lengthy pause. At last, he lets out a sigh of relief. Just a moment.
“But—” In the face of his impending descent on my pussy, my protests are rendered moot. Upon more investigation, I find out that he was only being playful. No more kidding around. David lays me down flat and kisses me so passionately that my toes curl. Without meaning to, my hands find their way into his hair and I move my hips, fucking his lips as his tongue fucks me.
That's how long I hope it will last with you. Please, God, let it stay.
But I've been sitting on the brink for too long. The need to orgasm on his face takes over my body, and I rush to him while yelling his name. My skin feels his curses and his kiss is hesitantly soft. David pushes me to the side. To the birthday girl: "Go get changed. We will do this properly if we do it at all.
I have time to second-guess my decision to insist on this right now while I change clothes in the restroom. I should have deferred to his authority until after we had sex. Now my fears are getting the best of me, and I half expect to walk outside and find David gone since my forbidden dreams are too taboo for even him to consider.
Looking in the mirror, I give myself a quick inspection. Like the birthday bikini I wore, this one is small and red, much like the outfit I wore beforehand. It's not quite a thong in the back, but most of my ass is still on display. The top's triangles are so tiny that they can barely hold in my breasts and hide my nipples.