Chapter 4: The Prince, The Hammer and The System.

I was in a ballroom that seemed 100% straight out of a fairy tale.

For a moment, he wondered if Chaos hadn't played a prank on him and finished Disney's version of Beauty and the Beast.

She was at the top of a long staircase that led down to a ballroom beautifully adorned with gold details and decorations.

At the bottom of the stairs, as if they had always been there, there were dozens of handsome boys, no, they were not ordinary boys, they wore gold crowns of different designs.

They were princes.

It was when I looked up and saw the most handsome of them all, with silver hair and cold electric blue eyes like the north, that I knew he was in the right world.

Taking advantage of the fact that you can't trip over a dress in your dreams, I ran towards it with my mind set on a single goal.

Yes, that was it, a dream.

My new life begins with a dream, and if my reader theories are correct, with a premonition or a mental intrusion.

I got closer as fast as I could, ignoring the other guys, because if I remember correctly, I'm about to be startled awake by my new father.

I managed to reach my goal and I suppose it is more difficult to control impulses in dreams because I threw myself directly into his arms and of course, as a good fairy tale prince, he caught me perfectly in a hug and cut my impulse with a turn that made the fluffy blue Cinderella dress she was wearing.

A perfect story scene.

But, I was aware of something else, it seemed that this incarnation was half-seer because what I saw in front of me was only an illusion of whom, I had decided, would be my main route of conquest in this world.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------RAFAL MISTRAL

AGE: Immortal.

STATUS: Single (Wild/Capturable 7u7).

DESCRIPTION: A mysterious person who hides in a tall silver tower with the powerful Storian, he appears to be a cold and beautiful prince of dreams, but he is also a powerful and dangerous sorcerer, behind all this there is a heart that the only thing he longs for is not It is dominion or power, but true love.

Can you take hold of a heart that is so cold that it burns like the most intense fire?

Nt: Preview character not unlocked.

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I read the description on the blue holographic screen that appeared before me and checked my character's clairvoyance abilities by reading the note at the bottom.

I was enjoying the sneak peek of the feel of my future husband's strong arms when a giant hammer smashed through the castle walls and I jumped awake in my bed.

I looked around in a daze and discovered an alcove...


There was no better description, everything was pink.

The bed, the canopy, the rug, the decorations, the stuffed animals, and surely the window that was about to be boarded up as if what we expected for tonight was a zombie apocalypse instead of free school enrollment at the best school on the continent.

-Dad, normally I trust your good taste, but I'm not entirely convinced by my new window.

The man was nailing a misshapen board over his bedroom window, now completely covered with spikes and screws.

-Everyone is saying that this year you will be chosen - he began to monologue more to himself than to her.

-Well, thank them for their trust.

-They advise me to cut your hair, to smear your face with mud - he continued.

-On second thoughts, what do they know, it's not as if the school had sent a list of requirements.

- as if I believed in all that fairy tale nonsense. Of course, no one will enter here to night. There's no doubt! - And he delivered a deafening blow to reinforce what she said.

- Why nobody thought to put locks?

-I don't know why everyone thinks it will be you - the father continued, his silver hair drenched in sweat. - If it's kindness that Headmaster wants, he'll take Gunilda's daughter.

- Belle?

-She That is a perfect daughter - he affirmed - She brings the father meals that she cooks herself to her work in the mill. And he even gives the leftovers to that poor woman who lives in the plaza.

- How daughter? Sure is a charm, how person? Not so much - I continue commenting - he throws stones at Agatha like almost all the children in this town, if it is kindness what the director is looking for, it is likely that he will skip this year's registration because I do not know any who deserve such a title in this town.

Well, I knew one, but that wasn't the point.

Her father stopped hammering for a moment and looked at her strangely.

- really? - I ask skeptically.

She looked at him more surprised than he looked at me.

- Yes - I said with a tone that was obvious - every day on the way to school, she also throws them at me when she and the others see that I walk with her, as you thought I made the cut on my forehead last week, I told you while I was making lunch.

My voice sounded more and more indignant as memories of the original owner of this body came back to me.

The indignation only grew when my supposed father looked at me with a lost face.

-You didn't even notice it, did you? - I said coldly - don't waste your time and energy- I said pointing out the window- I don't think you'll notice the difference anyway.

My father (Stefan) blushed with embarrassment, and it seemed that he wanted to tell me something, but he didn't have a chance.

I got up and went to take a shower.

Entering the bathroom, the system screen appeared before me.









