Chapter 9: Excessively surprises are bad for health, even if they are good surprises.

Stefan didn't think he was the best father in the world, but he loved his daughter.

Who had chosen today from every day to stop being a "princess" and become an Angel.

If all this fairy tale craze was real.

If it was kindness that the director was looking for.

They were all right.

He would take her.

To his Sophie.

At that moment, Stefan opened the door of Sophie's room, bringing more boards under his arm, determined to reinforce the window of his daughter's room.



Stefan went blank when he walked in and heard this, not because it was the first time that words of self-praise had been heard in that room, but because the person who pronounced them was not his daughter.

It was Agatha, the best friend of his daughter, Callis's daughter, someone who fled like a soul carried by the devil whenever he saw his daughter approaching with a nail polish in hand.

At times, she not only screamed that she was cute, she was also wearing a dress.

It was a simple one that I had bought from Sophie precisely for today, to make it look more normal, but as expected it ended up at the bottom of the trunk.

- Hi Dad - greetings Sophie.

- good day - greeting Agatha so low that it could be the murmur of a mouse.

The poor girl was blushing to her ears, she wanted the ground to open and swallow her or the heavens to have compassion and lightning struck her right there.

But since life is not fair, he remained there in perfect health and a long future ahead.

Demonstrating a lack of mercy and the deepest and darkest evil in the eyes of her friend.

Sophie took her shoulders and put her in front of her father and then asked.

-How is it going? Pretty, right?

Agatha reached a new shade of deep red, as Stefan opened his eyes until the girls feared they would fall off him like the boards he was holding.

She couldn't believe that her daughter was looking for compliments for someone other than herself, no matter how much friends Agatha was.

After a few minutes and Sophie calling him several times, he shook off his daze by shaking the head.

- All 2 are beautiful - I answer as I picked up the boards I had previously dropped.

He walked straight to his daughter's window with a look of resolve and the aura of a man with a mission determined to accomplish.

But, when he reached the window, he noticed that the boards he placed this morning were missing.

- Sophie – I call ready to deliver a sermon.

- I touched them, and they fell alone - I clarify - there were only 2 boards that if they were nailed and the others were nailed on those and to fill the two boards only had one nail each.

He could go on listing mistakes in his father's ways of setting up barricades, and he seemed too beaten with what little he said.

Stefan felt his pride shattered with every word of his daughter, so he had understood the only way to have done worse, was to nail the boards to the floor instead of the window.

- Don't feel bad dad - he heard his daughter comfort him - you can't be good at any flaw you should have.

"At least don't think I'm useless" he comforted himself.

Stefan let out a smile that didn't last long, he could only think about how adorable his daughter was being today, that hideous specter (if it existed at all), he would try to take her away.

Sophie seeing that her first failed attempt returned to the charge.

- How are Honora and my new siblings? Haven't you seen them today?

Stefan dropped the boards once again.

-What did you say? - I ask the poor man in a daze.

It didn't seem like I could handle any more surprises that day, no matter how good and wonderful they were.

- Honora, Adam and Jacob - he listed - have you seen them?

Stefan kept staring at her in amazement.

-Dad! - I call Sophie as she shook her arm.

Stefan shook his head to get back to reality.

-Yes... If they passed by here - he replied still somewhat dazed - they were worried about you - he began to tell more clearly - they also believe that you will be the chosen one, Honora believes that you should dress more simply at least for today.

Stefan still remembered the words of a worried Honora.

"Her dresses and manners are too much like a princess and her hair, by god Stefan, there is no princess in the books who have it so beautiful, they look like sunbeams! "

He thought about it for a moment and decided to tell his daughter, although Honora had not said it with that intention, the quickest way to her daughter's heart was flattery, and he planned to start every opportunity he had to make his new family as happy as possible.

- That's what he said - concluded Stefan - apparently no one in this village considers any other option - he said bitterly - the same for you Agatha - he continued indignantly - most of those fools believe that you, you will be the other candidate, what nonsense; I witness that you have never done anything to give credibility to such nonsense, you are one of the sweetest girls I know.

- Thank you - Agatha said in a whisper.

It seemed that he had filled his quota with compliments for today.

- Thank Honora on my behalf for the concern - Sophie tried once again to divert the conversation.

The third is magic.

Stefan nodded, still unable to believe his ears.

- In fact - continued Sophie - because you do not invite them to snack, Adam and Jacob will love my cookies - I affirm with an air of smugness.

His nose so high that it pointed to the ceiling.

- ouch!

-What? - Sophie was surprised to hear her father complain.

- No, nothing - Stefan denied and cleared his throat - I'll call you.

He walked to the gate in great strides and, as suddenly as he had arrived, he left.

Stefan had pinched himself, to see if today had been a dream.

It hadn't been.

Still stunned by his daughter's changes, he went to call Honora and the children for snacks together, and maybe get a female opinion of this, maybe it was one of those things that only women understand.

Sophie and Agatha looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and bursting into laughter.

The worst day of the year in Gavaldón, was being the funniest of the lives of two very peculiar girls.