Hearing her say that he felt relieved. He hated the fact that he loved her but he could not control his own heart . He can't choose who love . Oliver just felt that his love might  affect their friendship .

"You are too soft . "

He heard her say . He looked at her and saw a slight smile on her face .

"Only when it is related to your mom though ."

She added and patted him on the shoulder .

"And when it comes to you ."

Oliver countered her .

"What ! No way , You are not ."

She said sternly and started laughing. She laughed hard at the fact that Oliver felt he was soft with her .

"Alice...Alice enough now ."

Though he liked the fact that she was laughing , they were in the library . She quickly stopped laughing and made a sign to him so that they could elope the library before the librarian scolds them again . They left the library and went to the schools geographical area .

     While they were walking,  Alice spoke again ;

"You really think you are soft when it comes to me ?"

Her brows were raised , requesting an answer .

"I think so ..."

His voice trailed off realising he wasn't actually soft with her .

She laughed again at his expression . She felt he looked cute that way .

"Nope , you are not ."

She puffed her cheeks and pouted pretending to be angry.

"Ok. Since you feel that way , I'll try to be softer . "

Oliver said sincerely.  He was always strict with her . He protected her like he would his younger sister . Well, that's if he had one . 

"No , you don't have to change the way you are Oliver . I like you just the way you are . I mean it "

Oliver really liked the way she spoke and promised to protect her forever in his heart.


"Where is Oliver now ?"

Veronica asked frustrated that she hasn't seen Oliver since. Rachel who was next to her and had been searching for Oliver everywhere with her was frustrated . They has searched everywhere.  Veronica was wishing to watch him play basketball today , but she couldn't find him there . After searching everywhere she thought of she was frustrated. She realised that she didn't see Alice too and wanted to look for them .

"Nica ! Can we stop . I can't keeping walking all over the school just because Oliver didn't play today ."

Veronica was vexed by her comment  .

"How could you call yourself my friend and not care about my wellbeing? Am here dying slowly and you are complaining.  Do you really care about me ?"

Rachel felt like laughing and calling her stupid . She didn't understand how Veronica was dying . ' This is what you get for getting a drama queen as a friend ' , she thought.

" Okay , sorry let's continue looking . I remember we haven't checked the geographical area "

Rachel spoke softly trying to pacify her friend .

" He can't be in the geographical area . What could he possibly be doing there ?"

Veronica was puzzled by her friend's reasoning.

"Will you just let us check ? "

Rachel gritted her teeth .

"Okay...okay , but I know he won't be there "