The next day...

Alice was dropped off in school by her mom just like every other day. Surprisingly there was no entrance drama. No one picked on her when she got to school. She just quietly went to her class. She looked around, everybody was doing their own thing. She brought her history note book and started reading. Well she was so keen on preparing for her exam. She was on scholarship anyways, so she had to keep her grades up.

All of the sudden Veronica bursted through the doors of her class. As usual Racheal was right behind her. Veronica angrily walked to Alice and stood right in front of her.

"WHERE IS OLIVER!!!" She yelled.

Alice was frightened. Firstly, she didn't know Oliver wasn't in school. She expected him to be a little late since he was injured.Secondly, Veronica looked like she was going to rip her head off. Thirdly, the energy, vibe and aura Veronica had walked in with was scary. So Alice was finding it hard to process the words she was going to spill out.

"Can't you speak!" Veronica asked again.

"I think you should go easy on her. See how frightened she is. She's a mommy's girl. And besides she must have never been scolded, she doesn't have a dad remember" Racheal gave a painful remark and it hit Alice hard.

"Racheal you are wrong." Veronica said which surprised Racheal. "She has a dad." She continued. Racheal realized her friend was actually about to say something even more hurtful.

"It's just that her dad realized how worthless and useless she and her mom are so he decided to go for a better woman." Veronica was sharp with her words. Hitting Alice right where it hurt most.

"DON'T! Say that about my mom." Alice who was choked up by the tears she was trying to hold in spoke up. She couldn't bear that her mom was insulted.

"Ohhh! Am sorry...I should've zipped my lips. I was just trying to defend you since Racheal said such hurtful things." Veronica acted like she was regretting ever "defending" her.

"You pretty much did more damage than I did." Racheal said indifferently.

"Just tell us where Oliver is and we'll leave peacefully." Veronica didn't want to be there anymore so she cut the chase. Besides all she wanted was to see Oliver.

"I...don't know" Alice replied. She also wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

"Why won't you know? Aren't you always keeping him on your tail?" Veronica kept on asking. ( As if Alice was hiding him in her bag. Veronica is just so...)

"He was injured yesterday...I think he might come late" At this point her voice was really low. She wasn't even looking at Veronica, she was looking down.

"Injured how? How did he get hurt?" She asked, she was worried about Oliver. Hearing that he was hurt made her forget how determined she was to damage Alice before she left.

Alice who didn't have any more energy to stand in front of them anymore said;

"Why don't you just ask Victor instead and leave me alone."

With that Alice ran out of the class. Veronica didn't even care about her. Hearing that Victor was involved she immediately stormed out of the class to look for him.


Alice went to the washroom, walked into one of the doors, some workers just cleaned the place and replace the mirror. When they left, Alice leaned against the wall, looking up. The tears she had been trying to hold back flowed down and didn't stop. She cried silently,slowly she slipped down the wall and fell on her knees. She buried her face in her palms and kept on crying silently.

She had always wondered why her dad left her. It wasn't as if her mom was any less attractive. And she was also very brilliant and he had no reason to not be proud to have her as his daughter. He just left them with nothing. Her mom had to stay strong because of her. She had to take on everything on her own.

Alice stayed in there for some time. Later when she was done, she came out, washed her face and dried it. When she was okay, she went back to her class.


Veronica and Racheal set off to look for Victor. They walked to the hallway where the student's lockers were. Victor wasn't there. They decided to go to the second floor where the senior year students were to look for him. Since it was Veronica none of the seniors had a problem letting a hot girl like her walk around on their floor. They found Victor talking to a senior girl named Betty. Veronica didn't care anyways so she just approached them. They were alone at the pavilion facing the school's field.

"Hey Beth." Veronica greeted Betty.

"Hi Betty " Racheal smiled at her.

"Hey girls! What brings you here?" Betty asked. Victor smiled at Veronica still unaware that she went there because of him.

"Oh! We are here for Victor." Veronica replied her.

"Mind if we steal him for a bit?" Racheal did the asking because she knew Veronica wasn't that good at being polite.

"Sure. Please do. He was being a pain in the ass anyways." Betty said relieved. Though she lied, because she wasn't done talking to Victor. It was just that she knew about Victor's feelings for Veronica so she knew he would be happy to go with her like a loyal dog.

"Thank you." Racheal said.

"Victor come with us" Veronica said Indifferently.