Throughout the rest of the school day, Alice was not bothered, and it was good for her. Veronica did not partake in any of the school activities that occurred in the school. Racheal was just as neutral as she could ever be about the whole situation, and Victor, he was happy and was living his life as usual, but not without bragging;

"So you are saying Oliver's not in school today because you beat him up yesterday?" One of Victor's friends, Cory asked.

"That's exactly what am saying," Victor replied.

"Wow! I never thought you would stand a chance with Victor when I saw that fight the other day. didn't look like a fight though, it looked like he was just beating you up." Cory was just trying to mess with Victor by reminding him about the disgraceful fight.

"Oh please, can't you just forget about it," Victor spoke quite irritated. The fight was very embarrassing, and he just wanted to forget about it.

"Okay, okay. So how about partying tonight since your parents are not home?" Cory asked.

"No. We could just have a boys' night." Victor declined.

"Why? You are usually the party type, so what's wrong?" Cory was surprised.

"Oliver's injured, so there's no point having a party." Victor's reason was not quite clear to Cory.

"Bro, what does Oliver have to do with the party? He never attends the parties anyways." Cory's questions would never end until Victor made it clear to him.

"Don't you get it? The party is meaningless without Nica. She's not gonna attend because Oliver's hurt and it's even because of me." Victor's face spoke frustration all over.

"Hahhahah!!! Well, it's meaningless to you. Not to us." Cory laughed upon finding out Victor's reason.

"Who's gonna organize the party? Whose house is the party being held? Whose money is being spent?" Victor was going to have to run the expenses if there was a party, and he didn't want to have a party without Veronica.

"Whoa, whoa, chill bro. I get it. Keep doing things for someone who doesn't like you, she doesn't even see you as qualified." Cory complained.

"That's none of your business"


Oliver's Mansion...

Oliver decided to go downstairs in the evening after staying in his room all day. His mom wasn't at home; she went to the company. The company in Horizon City is where they are. His father went abroad to broaden his business in the Mi Amor. (Well, I decided to use fictional cities and countries in the novel. Even the school is all made up by me.)

Clara was only 2 years older than Oliver. They were sort of friendly with each other but not quite friends.

"Hey! You finally came down." She spoke cheerfully seeing that he came downstairs.

"Yeah. I can't stay in the room all day, can I?" He replied not so cheerfully.

"Oh sorry. You'll be fine soon and you'll be able to go to school." She spoke trying to cheer him up.

"Thanks. Buh I'll rather go to school like this than stay locked up here." He replied.

"Aww. You are so desperate to go to school. Are we that boring, or there's someone you like?" She teased.

"Yeah, kinda." He replied absentmindedly thinking about Alice. 'She should have left the school by now. I just hope she's fine.' He thought.

"Hello! You were lost." Clara had said something, but Oliver didn't hear her.

"Am sorry. Don't mind me." He smiled, realizing the thought of Alice distracted him again.

"Hmmmm. Am sure you are thinking about her, huh?" Clara teased again, and he smiled.

"By the way, did you eat today?" She asked.

"Yes, I did," he replied.

"Good. I made dinner, tell me when you are ready." She said.

"Yeah, thanks." On hearing that, she left. The house was silent for a while. Oliver was again playing on his phone.


Oliver was about to stand up and get the door when Clara came.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." She said and went to get the door. Clara opened the door and saw a tall and stunning beauty. Her hair was packed into two ponytails, her pink luscious lips were glossed, and she smiled at Clara. Clara was stunned by the girl. Then she noticed the uniform; she saw it was the same as Oliver's.

'So this is the girl Oliver has been thinking about. Well...since you couldn't go to her, she has come to you.' Clara thought and smiled.

"Come in." She said to the girl. "A friend of yours is here, Oliver," Clara announced.

For a moment, Oliver thought it was Alice, because which other friend does he have? But when he looked away from his phone to look at the girl, he frowned.

"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly.

"Hello to you too. How are you?" Veronica brushed off his question.

"I said what are you doing here?" Since Veronica didn't answer him the first time, he asked again. Clara wondered why Oliver was being cold to the girl he liked.

"Sigh* I came to check on you since I heard you were hurt. And you couldn't come to school, so I was worried." Veronica explained.

"Hmm. Thank you. Since you have checked up on me, you can leave now." Oliver was in a hurry to get her out of there.

"Oliver!" Clara exclaimed, seeing how he chased the cute girl out.

"Yes, Clara." He replied looking at her.

"Why are you talking to her like that?" Surprised Clara questioned. Before Oliver could reply, Veronica spoke.

"Oh, it's okay...uhm...Miss Clara right?" Veronica asked trying to act like a goody two shoes.

"You can call me Clara. Just Clara is fine." Clara spoke softly and smiled.

"Ohh please, Veronica, cut the crap and just leave." Oliver was frustrated.

"Ouch!" Veronica pretended to be hurt.

"Oliver!!! That is not a way to talk to a woman!" They all looked towards the entrance.