
The moment Alice stepped out of her house, she saw Mark resting on his car waiting for her, Mark couldn't resist complement her. Rachel flashed a smile at him and said;

"Thank you."

Rachel's smile made his heart skip a beat. He was completely swoon by her beauty. He didn't look bad himself, he was wearing a round neck Amani shirt and a black Amani trouser with red sneakers.

He proceeded to open the door for her to get in and when she did he closed the door for her and strode to the Drivers seat. When he got in, he didn't start the car immediately, instead he inhaled, exhaled and then said;

"Damn! Is it hot in here? Or is it just you?"

Rachel felt breathless, she was speechless. He was clearly flirting with her and she found it hard to reply or flirt back. To avoid her awkward situation, she bit her lips and turned to face the window, completely avoiding him.

Mark smiled clearly happy with his little achievement, her cheeks were so red and he had managed to leave her speechless. He started the car and drove away.

Few minutes later, they had been silent throughout, Rachel had regained herself and asked;

"By the way, where are we going?"

"Shadow City Arcade." He replied with a smirk.


"So it's this Arcade. I've been here before" Alice murmured just as Oliver was parking his car in the parking lot of the Shadow city Arcade.

" are here now, so let's make the most out of today." Oliver said and got out of the car. He ran over to Alice's said to open the door for her. She got out of the car and she was surprised to see Oliver extending his hand out to her. She didn't hesitate and immediately placed her hand in his.

They walked hand in hand and made their way to the entrance of the arcade building. They had many eyes on them. Oliver's charm and charisma were hard to ignore. So many girls had started to fan girl crush on the spot. And Alice, to the eyes of many she was very pretty, but people felt she looked to plain and wasn't meant to walk with him.

"OMG! He's so cute."

"I love his hair!!!"

"Doesn't he look familiar?"

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"She must be his girlfriend."

"She must be from a low class family."

"So dreamy."

"Who's gonna come with me and ask for his digits?"

A lot of girls were dropping comments and it was hard for Oliver and Alice not to hear.

"You are attracting so much attention." Alice commented.

"Ignore them. They don't matter." He replied coolly.

'All that matters is you.' He said to himself.Oliver took Alice past the long line and went directly into the building, there he spoke to person in charge and showed him something on his phone. Everyone was amazed and called Alice lucky.

The arcade was bustling with activity, the sound of beeping and dinging filled the air, and the smell of pizza and candy permeated the space. The colorful lights of the games and the flashing screens added to the sensory overload.

Kids were running around with tickets in hand, eager to redeem them for prizes. And the parents looked exhausted, trying to keep up with their energetic children. It was a place of excitement and chaos, but also a place of fun and joy.

Beyond the commotion of the main floor, there was a calmer area where people could play tabletop games like air hockey and pinball. The air was filled with the sounds of the pucks sliding across the table and the flippers smacking the ball.

There were whoops of excitement when someone scored a goal or hit a jackpot. And there were groans of disappointment when someone missed a shot or lost a game. It was a different kind of energy, but just as intense as the rest of the arcade.

As they moved deeper into the arcade, they could see a dark corridor that led to a mysterious area, the laser tag arena. The walls were painted in neon colors and the air was filled with fog, adding to the sense of mystery. The laser tag guns were lined up neatly, ready for the next game to begin.

And there was a screen displaying the current high scores, tempting players to try and beat the record. The anticipation was palpable as people prepared for the battle to begin. When the lights went out and the music started, the battle began in earnest.

Players darted around the arena, trying to find the best hiding spots. The beams of light from the laser guns crisscrossed the air, and the sounds of laser hits echoed through the space. The intensity of the game was palpable, and players were fully immersed in the experience.

It was a world apart from the rest of the arcade, a world of adventure and competition. The game ended with a winner being crowned and the players emerging from the arena, sweaty and exhilarated.

As they walked back into the main part of the arcade, they were greeted by the sights and sounds of all the other games. The arcade was a place of contrasts, from the excitement of laser tag to the more laid-back atmosphere of the tabletop games.

Back in the main arcade area, you could see people playing games like skee-ball, trying to rack up as many points as possible. The sound of the balls clanging against the metal targets filled the air, along with the cheers and groans of the players.

The room was filled with the scent of cotton candy and popcorn, adding to the sensory experience. There was something for everyone at the arcade, from the serious gamers to the casual players.

"So...what do you wanna do first?" Oliver asked after they had toured the arcade.

"I am fine with anything you choose." She replied.

"You sure?" Oliver knew she would've pick anything he he left it up to her, he decided make the choice himself putting her into consideration.


Without wasting much time, Oliver, still holding Alice's hands dragged her to another part of the arcade where they had been playing mortal combat. There, they handed over each of their game pads.

"Wanna bet on something?" Oliver asked.

"Nope! You'll, so i am not betting." She replied immediately.

"Alright then."

It was time for them to choose the character they would be using to fight. The screen the silhouette of each character with their name underneath. Oliver didn't waste much time and picked Scorpio, the most popular character. Scorpion is a ninja from the Netherrealm who is seeking revenge for the death of his family and clan. He's known for his iconic "Toasty!" fatality and his signature move, the "Spear." He's also a very skilled fighter, and he's often one of the most powerful characters in the game.

While on the other hand, Alice had picked Sonya Blade, the most powerful and popular female character in Mortal Kombat is Sonya Blade. She's a skilled martial artist and military officer who has a wide range of special moves, including energy rings, a leg grab, and a flip kick. She's also able to teleport, and her finishing moves are particularly devastating.

The game begins and the fight is displayed on the screen with both Oliver and Alice concentrating fully. The fight takes place in an abandoned temple in Outworld, with fire-lit torches casting shadows across the stone walls.

The two combatants are circling each other, eyes locked, their weapons drawn. Scorpion lunges forward, his spear extended, but Sonya is too quick and she dodges out of the way. She whirls around and throws an energy ring at him, hitting him in the chest and sending him stumbling backwards.

As he regains his balance, Sonya is alreadyrushing towards him, her fists a blur of motion. She lands a series of rapid punches, before finishing with a powerful uppercut that sends Scorpion flying into the air.

As he descends, Sonya leaps up to meet him, and the two engage in a mid-air battle of kicks and punches. They tumble to the ground, and Sonya quickly regains her footing while Scorpion struggles to get up.

Sonya sees her opportunity and raises her hand, an energy ring forming around her fingers.

She fires it at Scorpion, and he's unable to dodge it in time. The ring hits him, and he collapses to the ground defeated.

"Yesss!!!" Alice screamed and jumped around.

"I won! I won! I beat you Oliver!!!" She stuck her tongue and laughed at him.

Alice had won the game. Oliver didn't even expect her to win, but Alice was smart and she was able to utilize her IQ in anything. He watched as she smiled happily and jumped around making him satisfied.

"Wanna play again?"