Preparing for the Next Transmigration

It was a hot summer day. The two teenagers who had just finished their college entrance examinations began to flatter each other by the artificial lake.

"Don't be humble. Look at your belly. You can almost see your abs. You had a tummy during the few days of my college entrance examination. To get such obvious results after only one week of exercising, you must have some other methods, right?" Ren Shan looked at Tang Lin expectantly.

Only then did Tang Lin realize that his small tummy had disappeared. He reached out and touched it, and actually felt solid muscles. To achieve such results from only running ten odd laps the effect of this Stoneman's Heart was a little too exaggerated.

The excess fats in Tang Lin's body were quickly consumed without him noticing it, and his body became stronger at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Most ordinary people undergo strength training by pushing beyond their limits, causing their muscle fibers to tear to a certain extent. Then, they would consume a large amount of protein to allow more and stronger muscle fibers to grow.

This was a process of damage and repair. Therefore, one must be patient when it comes to physical training, else serious damage could be done.

However, Tang Lin could now skip this process as the Stoneman's Heart allowed him to absorb energy from the ground, and this energy replaced the effect of nutrients and at the same time quickly repaired the damage to his body. This undoubtedly greatly accelerated the effect of his training, allowing him to reap the effect of one month's running by just running ten kilometers.

In addition, the damage caused by Tang Lin's sub-standard running posture — which ordinarily would have injured his kneecaps — was also repaired at the same time, allowing him to continue training without any side effects.

As a fatso who had been working hard to lose weight, when he saw Tang Lin's extremely efficient training method, he yearned to become his disciple.

Tang Lin was a little embarrassed. This was due to the power of the Stoneman's Heart, and not due to any secret formula. He really had nothing he could impart in response to Ren Shan's query.

The two of them were actually not familiar with each other. They only met a few times because they were neighbors and schoolmates. They could really only be considered as acquaintances. Therefore, Tang Lin could only politely decline, "I really don't have any special skills. I'm just exercising casually. If there's a chance next time, let's run together. I'll go home and take a shower first."

With that, Tang Lin quickly left.

When he returned home, he first washed the antiseptic lotion off his feet and realized that the wounds on them had indeed healed. There wasn't even any scarring.

He took off his clothes and took a close look at his body.

Although his skin was still a little pale, his muscles were very obvious. The change in his physique was a little drastic. It was no wonder Ren Shan was so surprised when he saw it.

This change made Tang Lin a little afraid to continue running now. For now, his physique could still be concealed by loose fitting clothes, but if he continued to train and became a really muscular man, even his parents would notice the problem.

The effect of the Stoneman's Heart was so good that Tang Lin looked forward to the next transmigration. As a cautious person, he felt that he should make preparations for the next transmigration.

According to his experience this time, the so-called enhancement of advanced latitude creatures when they entered a lower latitude plane was the transformation to a giant. It was not just the increase in size and other proportions. Otherwise, Tang Lin would have long been crushed into meat paste by his weight.

It was impossible for the human body to adapt to such a terrifying increase. It was just like how an ant could drag an item fifty times its own weight, but if an ant became the size of a human, its legs would be broken by its own weight.

Therefore, there must be some kind of energy supporting Tang Lin's enlargement effect. What was unclear was whether this energy would transform Tang Lin's body in one go or whether it would continue to be consumed as long as he maintained his giant form.

This was only Tang Lin's guess. Without further information, there was no point in overthinking it for the time being.

Tang Lin named this power the Power of the Giant. He would study it in greater detail when he had the chance.

The next step was key, to make preparations for the next transmigration. After his body became huge, there was no problem with his movements being slow, that was why the rock Tang Lin threw easily broke the sound barrier.

This kind of catapult attack was very powerful, but its accuracy was extremely poor. The hit rate was completely dependent on luck, so it was fine against large targets, but it was not very meaningful against mosquito-sized opponents like the Orcs.

Moreover, Tang Lin's enlarged form did not mean that his skin was impenetrable. The Orcs' weapons could still injure him.

Therefore, he definitely could not wear slippers the next time he transmigrated. A pair of Warrior brand sneakers could probably solve the problem. His sneakers were all worth hundreds of yuan, he could not bear to wear them.

Well, he could also add a pair of thicker gloves.

If he brought a multifunctional Swiss Army knife with him, he might be able to cut some wood if the request was to repair roads or bridges.

Burying the Orcs using a mudslide is not a bad method, but he may not get the same mountain range setting every time he transmigrated. He should do some prep work, such as bringing along a shovel.

Tang Lin took out his notebook and wrote down all the problems he thought of. Then, he wrote down the solutions and the tools he needed.

He didn't realize it until he started writing down the issues, it filled an entire page. If he took all the items with him, they would probably weigh more than fifty kilograms.

"I think I'm overthinking it."

Tang Lin sighed, but he did not reduce the number of items on it. These things were useful. It was definitely not wrong to prepare them first. At most, he would make a choice when transmigrating.

However, there was another problem — Tang Lin could not afford to buy them.

As a poor high school graduate, Tang Lin could only fork out 100 yuan of pocket money now. He could not even afford one third of the items on this list. Tang Lin's family was considered middle class, and his parents' jobs were stable and their salaries were decent. However, they were very strict about pocket money. He had to get the approval of both parents if he asked for extra pocket money.

Tang Lin looked at the items on it. There were probably not many that could get his parents' "approval".

Unfortunately, the dwarven gold coins were a pittance and there was a problem with their origin. Tang Lin could not sell them in a pawnshop for a mere few hundred yuan. He did not even know if they would accept such a small business.

"Could it be that I have to go and work? No, no. It's impossible to work. I can only rely on transmigration benefits to survive."

To Tang Lin, it was more practical to look forward to earning some benefits from his next transmigration. He grabbed his wallet and left the house, intending to buy a portion of the equipment first.

When he went downstairs, Tang Lin saw Ren Shan again. He had just run two laps. Just by looking at his sweaty face and staggering steps, he felt that he had really worked hard. However, he did not know if it was an illusion, but why was this person even fatter than before?

Without disturbing the fatso, who was trying hard, Tang Lin left the estate and walked towards the supermarket.

However, just as he walked out of the estate, Tang Lin suddenly felt an abnormal vibration from the ground. In fact, after obtaining the Stoneman's heart, Tang Lin could already feel the continuous vibration from the ground. It was like the pulse of the ground, heavy and stable.

However, at this moment, Tang Lin felt a sense of discord in the tremors of the ground. It was like a piece of freshly steamed corn that was missing a kernel, or an unopened bar of chocolate that was missing a corner before it was opened… In short, it was just a very discordant feeling, the type that could make an OCD person feel so uneasy they wished they were dead.

Although Tang Lin couldn't be considered an obsessive-compulsive person, this feeling was so strong that he couldn't ignore it. He had to find the source of this discordant tremor, else he would feel very uneasy.