Second Summon Request

After he got into the ambulance, the effect of the Stoneman's Heart was indeed affected as his body was away from the ground. Previously, he had relied on the healing effect to barely endure the injuries on his body, but now, it was so painful that Tang Lin could not help but moan.

Unexpectedly, the nurse in the ambulance cried even harder than him. The starry-eyed nurse said, "You were only pretending to be fine just now so that the little girl could get into the ambulance first. Sir, you are such a Good Samaritan."

Bloody Good Samaritan!

This girl is a homebody for sure!

The nurse was scolded by the white coat beside her. "What are you crying for? You'll only increase the patient's psychological burden. Didn't the school teach you that?"

After scolding her, the white coat turned to Tang Lin and said, "Sir, don't worry. She's an intern who just graduated. Your injuries are stable, so you'll be fine. However, do you remember your family's number? You'll probably have to undergo surgery for your injuries. We have to inform the family."

Tang Lin thought about it and said to the white coat, "If I say that I have neither family nor money, can you throw me off?"

"How is that possible! How can we leave you in the lurch!" The white coat said firmly.

"Yes, yes, yes. Don't worry. If you really don't have enough money for the surgery, I'll help you apply for a donation. You're a hero who acted bravely. How can we throw you off!" The young nurse quickly comforted him.

Damn it, what happened to the domestic medical system being cold and heartless? What happened to the trolls who were even worse than India?

Tang Lin endured the discomfort in his body and was sent to the hospital. Fortunately, the Stoneman's Heart was only affected and not completely ineffective, so Tang Lin's body was still recovering.

The ambulance took nearly eighteen minutes to arrive. It would take about that long to get back to the hospital.

Previously, the wound on Tang Lin's feet only took ten minutes to completely heal. Although the burns were much more serious now, with nearly half an hour of healing, he was already half healed by the time he got to the hospital.

However, the itch that came on with the healing of his skin went deep into his bones. As he could not scratch it with his hands, this torture made Tang Lin feel extremely uncomfortable.

After getting out of the ambulance, Tang Lin was sent to the emergency operating theater. A doctor ran over very quickly to check on him.

The doctor looked at the wound on Tang Lin's body and said to the nurse, "It's a superficial burn. Use anesthesia to clean the wound first."

The otaku nurse who sent Tang Lin over suddenly interrupted, "That's not right. I saw that the blood vessels under his skin had carbonized. This is a serious burn!"

The doctor frowned and glanced at the nurse, but he still carefully checked Tang Lin's injuries again. After a few seconds, the doctor said impatiently, "You're mistaken. It's a superficial burn. Debride it directly. Don't exaggerate the condition if you don't have experience. You'll increase the psychological pressure on the injured. Didn't the school teach you that?"

After being scolded in the same way twice, the nurse felt wronged, but she could not refute. She now saw that the burns on Tang Lin's body were not serious. If he was lucky, the scarring might not even be obvious. However, he was clearly seriously injured just now!

Tang Lin really wanted to tell the medical staff to leave him alone and go save the other patients. This hospital's emergency room had thousands of patients a day. How busy was it!

However, after the anesthesia was administered, Tang Lin quickly fell asleep, completely unaware of what happened next.

When he came to, he found himself wrapped up like a mummy on the hospital bed. The hospital bed was surrounded by white curtains, and his father was sitting beside the hospital bed… playing with his cell phone.

Tang Lin's father's name was Tang Zhanpeng. He was 40 years old, but he looked very youthful, like he was 30 years old. Moreover, because he often worked out, he had a six-pack and it made him even more charming as a mature man.

In addition, Tang Zhanpeng was good-looking to begin with. Usually, when Tang Lin stood with his father, he was completely overshadowed by his father's brilliance and was often overlooked by others.

"Dad, I want some water," Tang Lin said hoarsely.

Tang Zhanpeng immediately put down his cell phone and went to pour water. When he saw his father's back view, Tang Lin couldn't help but be touched. He was so reckless and got himself injured all over. He originally thought that his parents would definitely scold him fiercely, but he didn't expect that his father didn't have any intention of blaming him.

Just as he was feeling touched, Tang Lin glanced at Tang Zhanpeng's cell phone and found that he was scrolling through a certain page. The title was: Have you seen those real life examples of courageous acts?

Tang Lin grabbed his cell phone and swiped it. He realized that one of the responses was, "If my son was injured because of his bravery, I would let him recover first and then break his legs! Let's see if he still dares to be a hero in the future!"

There were more than 3,000 likes, and one of them was from Tang Zhanpeng. It was no wonder that he didn't say anything now. He was waiting for his injuries to heal before settling the score.

Tang Lin did not hesitate to change to "Vote down" and commented below, "The morality of the world is declining day by day. Heroes are heartbroken! Blacklist and report!"

After leaving the comment, Tang Lin lodged a report on the grounds that it was a "hostile remark".

It was all thanks to the speed that Tang Lin had developed after all the training during the holidays. Tang Zhanpeng only turned around and handed the cup over to Tang Lin after he had done all this.

"Why are you still playing with your cell phone when you're so injured? Doesn't your wound hurt?" Tang Zhanpeng asked.

"I just wanted to check the time. By the way, where are we?" Tang Lin asked.

"The wards in Qiao Yi Building." Tang Zhanpeng said.

"Which floor?" Tang Lin asked.

"Second floor, why are you asking this?" Tang Zhanpeng asked curiously.

It was no wonder that his injuries were almost healed. It turned out that it was only on the second floor. Although the effect of the Stoneman's Heart was greatly reduced, it was still somewhat effective.

Judging by the time on the cell phone, Tang Lin had been lying down for nearly a day. With the healing ability of the Stoneman's Heart, his wound no longer felt uncomfortable. However, Tang Lin did not dare to show it. His father was waiting to break his legs after he recovered.

After letting Tang Lin finish the water in the cup with a straw, Tang Zhanpeng said in a serious tone, "Why did you jump into the pit? Didn't you see that the car was on fire? How did you become so bold now?"

His words were not too harsh, but there was obviously blame in his tone.

Ninety-nine percent of parents in the world wish that their children would live a long and safe life, and not for them to be some heroe.

"The car wasn't on fire when I jumped in. How would I know that it would explode? At that time, I saw that the people inside were about to die. There was also a little girl, so I couldn't help but jump in to save her."

Tang Lin lied. In fact, he had jumped into the pit because he saw the fire. If he had not been decisive, the father and daughter would have died.

Tang Zhanpeng wanted to say a few more words, but Tang Lin didn't hesitate to change the topic. "By the way, were the two people saved?"

"They're all fine. The man just had a slight concussion. The little girl broke her head and burned her right leg, but her life is not in danger. The man came to see you just now, but you hadn't woken up, so I asked him to go back and to keep his daughter company."

Tang Lin was relieved to hear this. He did not want his efforts to be in vain, to be burned and wrapped like a mummy and yet not manage to save the lives.

Tang Zhanpeng could tell that Tang Lin was changing the topic, so he said to him in a serious and thoughtful tone, "Don't worry, I won't scold you. It's a good thing to act bravely no matter what. Moreover, you saved two lives this time."

Tang Lin really wanted to express his gratitude, but Tang Zhanpeng's "like" just now had already deeply betrayed him.

"Hmm, where's my mother?" Tang Lin decided to continue changing the topic.

"She had gone back to sleep. It's my turn now. Do you want some porridge? The doctor said that you can eat a little," Tang Zhanpeng asked.

Tang Lin was about to answer when he heard a familiar emotionless voice in his mind. "You have a summon request. Do you wish to respond?"

Damn it, now? He hadn't even bought a single transmigration equipment!