Fully Prepared

Tang Lin was discharged from the hospital earlier than expected. He had only been hospitalized for two days. When the doctor came to check on his wound, his smooth skin could no longer be concealed.

This situation caused the hospital to conduct a court of three judges review, no, a panel of three specialists review. They drew blood and took an MRI scan. They did all the examinations they could, but naturally, there was no conclusion.

Tang Lin's body was normal. Apart from his hair not growing back, he was extremely healthy.

The doctors could not explain what had happened, but Tang Lin maintained his silence. He feigned ignorance no matter what they said.

"I fainted after I was sent to the hospital. I've been like this since I regained consciousness. Is there anything wrong with the medication?" Tang Lin asked.

These words made Tang Lin's mother nervous. She quickly asked, "Did you use some powerful medicine? Will there be any sequelae?"

Tang Lin's mother's name was Cai Yan. She was high school classmates with her father, Tang Zhanpeng. When the two of them were dating, they were like a golden couple. Although they were older now, they were still quite compatible. Tang Zhanpeng was a Sensitive New Age Man in his forties, and he had a six-pack; while Cai Yan was a classic gentle and virtuous wife.

Initially, she thought that it was a good thing that her son's injuries had healed and there were no scars. Now that she heard what Tang Lin said, she instantly imagined a bunch of conspiracy theories — forbidden drugs? Illegal human experiments? Her son was treated as a lab rat?!

The doctor quickly explained, "It's all the usual medicine. Most of it is anti-inflammatory…"

Cai Yan was usually gentle, but right now, she was like a raging bull as she questioned the doctor, "But how can my son recover so quickly? Is the medicine in your hospital a magic pill?"

The doctors really couldn't answer this question. If they knew the reason, would they still need an expert consultation?

Tang Lin did not expect his words to make his mother so agitated. He felt quite embarrassed and quickly comforted her, "Mom, I feel that there's nothing wrong with my body. Perhaps my burns were not serious to begin with. Didn't I also recover within a few days when I broke my leg as a child."

"Children recover quickly, but are you still a child?" Cai Yan refuted, but she calmed down a little after hearing Tang Lin's words.

"Well, would the family please don't worry? We're a Grade A hospital. We won't use medicine recklessly. Your son's condition is indeed very special, but it's not unprecedented. Some people's recovery speed is indeed different from ordinary people…"

The doctor comforted Cai Yan, though in fact, he didn't believe his own nonsense. Even if someone recovered faster, it wouldn't be so fast. But he could only comfort her. After all, Tang Lin's identity as a selfless hero was special, and he had already reported this matter to the higher-ups. The reporters are planning to come and interview him.

At this time, it was not appropriate for any incidents to happen. If anyone really felt that the hospital was using Tang Lin as a human experiment, it would definitely have a serious impact on the hospital.

"Since my body is fine, can I be discharged?" Tang Lin asked.

The doctors were stunned for a moment. Of course, they did not want to discharge Tang Lin. After all, they had yet to find the reason for his wound healing.

"Um, how about a few more days of observation? This is also for your health's sake," the doctor suggested.

"I don't want to sleep in the hospital anymore. Why don't you give me a prescription? I'll come back to the hospital regularly for any checkups, but let me go home and sleep. I'm really not used to sleeping in the ward," Tang Lin insisted.

After discussing for a while, the doctors could only agree to Tang Lin's discharge. The patient's wishes are usually not violated. Whether he was discharged or transferred to another hospital, it was his freedom. Moreover, Tang Lin had already done all the tests that he should have done today. What was left to do was to wait for the doctors to come to a conclusion. There was no reason for him to stay in the hospital.

And just like that, Tang Lin, whose entire body was covered in burns, was hospitalized for only two days before he was miraculously discharged from the hospital. As a result, the reporters who were prepared to come back for an interview in two days all missed him. Even the father and daughter who wanted to thank him again could not find Tang Lin.

The Tang family did not leave any contact information for the father and daughter. After all, Tang Lin had jumped down to save them. The Tang family was not short on funds for this bit of medical fees and did not intend to ask the father and daughter for money.

Such noble sentiments — doing a good deed anonymously — moved the man to tears. From that day on, he would repeatedly say to his daughter, "Your owe your life to a young hero called Tang Lin."

Tang Lin did not know how many times he would sneeze in the future. After he got home, he took a shower, under his mother's orders, to get rid of his bad luck. Then, he immediately asked for the funds to buy a cell phone and ran out on a buying spree.

Cai Yan really wanted Tang Lin to rest at home. Although the doctor said that his body was fine, nevertheless he had just been burnt to charcoal only, so his priority should be rest. However, Tang Lin insisted on buying a cell phone, so Cai Yan couldn't do much. She could only lament how the new generation was being destroyed by cell phones, and the Chinese civilisation was doomed.

Tang Lin took the money and ran out in a hurry. However, he did not go to the cell phone store. Instead, he ran to the nearby mall.

Multi-purpose Swiss Army knife, thick-soled Warrior brand sneakers, multi-purpose toolbox, waterproof windbreaker, windproof lighter, electric mosquito swatter, super large thermos flask, super large backpack, and a big fish tank with a cartoon character lid… After buying all these things, Tang Lin's budget for a cell phone went from Apple to Huawei to Xiaomi.

Although his heart ached a little, it was all worth it. The last time Tang Lin transmigrated, he went too quickly, so he didn't even have a chance to prepare. That was why he could only stomp his feet when faced with Apocalypse. This time round, he had to make preparations in advance to ensure that he was fully equipped the next time he transmigrated.

If not for Tang Lin having the power of the earth to support him, it would have been really difficult for him to even walk with such a big bag of stuff.

When he got home, Tang Lin took the opportunity to stuff all these things into his room while his mother was cooking in the kitchen. Fortunately, the bed was high enough to barely stuff all these things under it.

Tang Lin first filled the fish tank with water before he touched anything else. He then put two suckermouthed catfish into the tank before covering it with a lid that was shaped like a cartoon castle.

This fish tank cost Tang Lin nearly 600 yuan. It could be said to be quite extravagant. The most expensive thing about it was not the spherical glass tank below, but the lid that was shaped like a cartoon castle. This castle had a very special design. When he opened it, he saw that the seats and bed inside were all complete. Even the door of the castle was movable. It could be opened freely and had its own colored lights.

In terms of craftsmanship, this fish tank was worth the price. However, Tang Lin did not do it for aesthetics. This fish tank was a new home prepared for Orolo. Considering Orolo's size, this castle was more than enough for her.

Tang Lin found two old outfits and cut off some fabric with a pair of scissors. He could use them as bedding for Ororo. It was a pity that his handiwork was average. Otherwise, he could have made a few outfits for Ororo.

Ororo crawled out of Tang Lin's pocket and saw this dreamlike new home. Her anxiety eased a little and she felt more assured now. Ororo's impression of Tang Lin improved a lot after seeing this castle. At least he did put in a lot of effort.

After walking around the castle a few times, Ororo was rather satisfied with her new home.

Tang Lin was also very proud. He said to Ororo, "It took me several hours to find this model. Look at this place, it's used to store fish food. When you press the switch, the trapdoor below will open and dispense the fish food."

Ororo listened to Tang Lin's introduction with difficulty, but she did not know why he was telling her this. Was he afraid that she would fall through?

Tang Lin did not notice the change in Ororo's expression and continued to say proudly, "From now on, this will be your toilet, no matter big or small business, after you're done, come out and press this switch, and the dirty things will fall into the fish tank. I even got two suckermouth catfish …"

When Ororo heard this, her originally dark skinned face turned a few shades darker.

She opened the door, entered the castle, and closed the door, all in one go!

Tang Lin stopped talking, awkwardly, and thought to himself, "Why is she dissatisfied with my clever design? This foreign woman is really hard to please."

Tang Lin didn't take it to heart, in any case Ororo couldn't escape from his clutches.

Next, he had more important things to do. Tang Lin wiped the desk that was covered with dust, and then took out all the English textbooks that he had once studied thoroughly but have now half forgotten.

"If I had gotten his transmigration system before the college entrance examination, I would have scored full marks in English long ago!" Tang Lin complained before burying his hands in the sea of books.

For the next transmigration, Tang Lin made full preparations. The system seemed to understand his painstaking efforts too, it was quiet for a few days, allowing him enough time to revise. A week later, Tang Lin heard the emotionless voice again. "You have a summon request. Do you wish to respond?"