Xiong Ba Plans to Flee Again

Xiong Ba was ambitious and wanted to become the world number one. Hence, he had been challenging experts from all walks of life ever since he came on the scene. Nie Renwang was one of the important opponents he had targeted. For this opponent, he had spent many years scheming and plotting — he only engaged in a battle with him after he had made a cuckold out of him.

Everyone knew that the Hulk was at his strongest when he was angry. Xiong Ba wanted to defeat Nie Renwang when he was in his strongest state, so as to improve his martial arts.

Unfortunately, Tang Lin, who came out of nowhere, ruined everything. Xiong Ba didn't defeat Nie Renwang when he was at his peak performance. Even if he defeated Nie Renwang again in the future, his improvement would be greatly reduced too.

What bothered Xiong Ba more was: Who was this giant? Why was he helping Nie Renwang?

However, Xiong Ba met Tang Lin again before he could find out the truth.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that too many members of the World Association had died too quickly, Xiong Ba wouldn't have run out so soon. He would've used his underlings to wear down the opponent before he came out to settle the battle. In this way, he can show his wisdom and might.

However, how could these World Association underlings, who didn't even have any special powers, be Tang Lin's match? The salt gun sprayed indiscriminately, creating potholes on the Three-Point drill ground, and bodies of the World Association Underlings were sprawled all over.

The salt particles from the salt gun were larger than their fists. The salt crystals were innumerable and dense and its power was comparable to an all-out attack from a highly skilled person. It was impossible to block it.

A swirl of light enveloped Xiong Ba as he appeared in front of Tang Lin, looking very cool. He asked, "Who are you, how dare you…"

Before he could finish, Tang Lin shot him.

Monster my foot! You are Xiong Ba, and not Priest Zhang Daxian!

Tang Lin didn't have the habit of bickering with villains. He started fighting directly as he didn't have so much time to waste. Many people tend to boost word count by dragging the plot, that was a suicidal move.

Xiong Ba wasn't a run-of-the-mill boss, he was a true hero. True heroes had one thing in common — they took calculated risks. Xiong Ba was fully prepared before he came out. He didn't panic even though Tang Lin flouted the rules by attacking first.

He drew a mysterious arc with his left hand, and true qi surged out of his palm, colliding with the salt particles that tore through the air.

The fourth move of the Cloud Expelling Palm—Shaking the Mountains and Toppling the Seas!

Xiong Ba was much more highly skilled than Shi Wuzun in martial arts, he created an air wall with one strike of his hand, blocking all the salt particles.

When Tang Lin saw this scene, he wasted no time in pulling the bolt and loading the gun before firing again!

He believed that Xiong Ba was not a Saint Seiya. There was no such thing as the same move being ineffective. That was a very cool move he made with his palm, but it would definitely consume the true qi in his body. Tang Lin had enough ammunition in his salt gun, so he could compete with Xiong Ba to see who could last longer.

Xiong Ba was really powerful, he was able to block three rounds of salt particles that could instantly kill a large group of people, and remain unscathed through it all.

However, when he saw Tang Lin decisively pointing the gun at him, Xiong Ba dodged and fled. He originally thought that such a terrifying weapon wouldn't last long, but who knew that Tang Lin's salt gun was infatigable. Xiong Ba wasn't a fool. He knew that he could not compete with the giant in endurance, so he didn't hesitate to change tactics.

If this giant thought that he could deal with him just using this strange weapon, it would be a huge mistake.

Xiong Ba's legs turned into a whirlwind, and his body became wafting and elusive. Tang Lin's gun could not keep up with his speed.

The first move of the Wind God Kick— Catching Wind and Shadow!

Xiong Ba's fists, palms, and legs were three ultimate techniques. The Wind God Kick was a top-notch Qinggong technique, and its speed was peerless.

Tang Lin was a little dizzy from being encircled by Xiong Ba. He turned his head around and only saw many shadows. It seemed like his laissez faire marksmanship was not destined to hit Xiong Ba.

When Xiong Ba saw that the giant was at a loss, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart. If that were all the skills he had, then he needn't be feared. Even a mythical giant shall die if he should offend Xiong Ba!

However, if he wanted to kill this giant, he had to jump onto its body and attack its throat, heart, eyes, and other vital points from a close distance.

"In any case, he can't keep up with my Qinggong technique."

With this thought in mind, Xiong Ba charged toward Tang Lin, hopped onto his shoes and then jumped again toward the legs of his trousers.

With the speed of the Wind God Kick, Xiong Ba could jump onto Tang Lin's shoulder in the blink of an eye. The Fire Qilin Sword would then be brandished, and it would be used to slit the giant's throat. The giant's level of agility as displayed just now wasn't enough to stop Xiong Ba.

How could a goldfish be a creature in a pond? I, Xiong Ba, have ambitions to be the Dragon Overlord. Why would I be afraid of a mere mythical giant!

With such confidence, Xiong Ba jumped onto Tang Lin's trousers.

However, just as he touched Tang Lin's pants, a strong bolt of lightning appeared and struck him.

No matter how fast the Wind God Kick was, it couldn't be faster than this lightning bolt. Xiong Ba felt his body go numb as he was sent flying.

On the other hand, Tang Lin only felt a twinge of pain in his trousers, but a smug smile appeared on his face. He had long expected that martial arts experts would jump on him like fleas when he engaged in a battle with them, so how could Tang Lin not be on guard?

Before charging into the World Association, Tang Lin had asked Ororo to continuously emit electric currents. By the time Xiong Ba appeared, Tang Lin's body was already covered in high-voltage static electricity.

In the real world, static electricity in the body would not have any effect on mosquitoes. This was because mosquitoes were airborne and not connected to the ground, so the small amount of electricity in the human body could not be released.

However, after Tang Lin transmigrated, his body increased in proportion, and the voltage he could withstand increased greatly. The lightning that could directly pierce through the air was like static electricity to him.

Hence, the amount of electricity that Ororo charged into Tang Lin had far exceeded the concept of static electricity. Once Xiong Ba jumped onto him, it would have a terrifying effect of a point discharge, and Xiong Ba would be struck by lightning.

Seeing that Xiong Ba was blown away, Tang Lin immediately exchanged the salt gun for a pepper spray. The pepper spray was made of chili and mustard extract, both high organic irritants. Tang Lin tried smearing a bit on the back of his hand, and it got red and swollen for an entire day. That burning sensation was unforgettable.

Based on the effect of advanced latitude materials entering low latitudes, Tang Lin felt that this pepper spray was as good as strong acid to Xiong Ba. As expected, just as the mist landed on Xiong Ba's body, fumes started coming out of his body.

Terrifying screams sounded incessantly, but Xiong Ba did not die until a while later. Instead, he was so stimulated by the pain that the paralysis effect was removed in advance. He struggled to use Wind God Kick to escape.

"D*mn, could he still escape in this state?!"

Tang Lin was really speechless. Can't this guy have some dignity as a boss, and stop trying to flee at the drop of a hat?

Fortunately, Tang Lin had a plan for this as well. He hurriedly shouted, "Nie Renwang, over to you!"

At this moment, a figure flew out from Tang Lin's backpack. It was Nie Renwang, who was holding the Snow Saber. After the strengthening of the Blood Bodhi elixir, his power had already surpassed Xiong Ba's. Now that Xiong Ba was struck by lightning and strong poison, the victory was Nie Renwang's for sure.

It took a martial arts master to catch up with another martial arts master. Tang Lin could only pin his hopes on Nie Renwang.

However, it was only when Nie Renwang chased Xiong Ba out of sight that Tang Lin realized a problem: the people from Wushuang City were simply watching as spectators. Wasn't this a little too much?

He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Dugu Yifang and Shi Wuzun. Tang Lin saw this group of people rushing out of a palace, but he was busy dealing with Xiong Ba and didn't pay attention to them. Now that he looked again, he realized that the people from Wushuang City had disappeared.

"What's going on? Have they been frightened by my chili water?"

Tang Lin was puzzled when he felt an unusual vibration coming from behind him.