Chapter 37 Disdain

Gao Yuan wanted to understand the reason, but Luo Xingyu didn't care about that, she said loudly, "If Uncle Xiang says to take the machine gun, then it's the machine gun, everything is the same."

Xiang Weiguo waved his hands and said, "It's not the same, not the same at all; there's a big difference here."

Luo Xingyu glanced at the rifle in her hand, then at the machine gun on the gun rack, and said, "They look exactly the same to me."

Gao Yuan said exasperatedly, "How can they be the same? Let me put it this way to you... Are lipstick shades the same?"

Luo Xingyu suddenly realized and said, "Oh, I see, is the difference that big?"

This left Gao Yuan speechless. Were lipstick shades really that different?

Xiang Weiguo coughed lightly and said, "What kind of comparison is that? Are guns and lipstick the same thing?"

Gao Yuan thought for a moment, then decided to give up explaining. Uncle Xiang would never understand the complexity of lipstick shades.

"Uncle Xiang, please continue. Are you saying that the machine gun uses 5.8 heavy bullets and the rifle uses light bullets?"

Xiang Weiguo sighed and said, "You must have seen that on the internet, right? Sigh, let me tell you, both the Type 95 rifle and the Type 95 machine gun use the DBP87 or the DBP95 bullets, which are basically the same. Later, a universal cartridge for the Type 95 Gun Family was developed, the Type 10 cartridge. But that ammunition is inconsistent; you might hit the bullseye with the first nine shots, but the last shot goes who knows where."

Waving his hand, Xiang Weiguo continued, "Put simply, the Type 95 Gun Family uses DBP87 bullets, while the Type 88 Gun Family uses DVP88 bullets. The DVP88 is a real machine gun bullet and is also used by the Type 88 sniper rifles. But here's the issue: when we talk about machine guns, we're referring to the Type 88 general-purpose machine gun, not the Type 95 squad machine gun. So these two types of bullets are interchangeable but are by no means the same type of bullet."

Gao Yuan was stunned for a while, then said, "If they are interchangeable, just use the heavy bullets then. The internet says heavy bullets are better..."

Xiang Weiguo sighed and said, "The two types of bullets are interchangeable, but they have different trajectories. Also, the DVP88 heavy bullets cause more wear on the barrel, which will affect the lifetime of the barrel if used with the Type 95 Gun Family."

Gao Yuan frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "But the Type 88 sniper has a scope..."

Xiang Weiguo said angrily, "Even if it has a scope, I wouldn't use the Type 88 loose! I'll use the Type 95 squad machine! The Type 95 squad machine! It's even more accurate with a scope installed! The Type 95 squad machine can also fire in bursts. Can't you just mount the scope on the Type 95 squad machine and use it?"

Gao Yuan and Luo Xingyu looked at each other, then Gao Yuan said, "Isn't that being too harsh on the Type 88 loose?

Xiang Weiguo let out a breath, pressing down with both hands, then he said helplessly, "Every time I need to explain these things I get irritated. Enough, just bring the Type 95 squad machine. If you really want to carry more, then take an extra machine gun in case one breaks, but let's not bring unnecessary guns."

Xiang Weiguo really wasn't particular about guns anymore; thus, he insisted on taking the right ones. But Gao Yuan was different; he wanted to try every one of them.

Seeing Gao Yuan's indecisive expression, Xiang Weiguo gave in once more. He waved his hand and said, "As long as you can carry it, it's up to you, up to you, but don't take the Type 88 sniper. If you take the Type 88 sniper, you'll have to bring the specialized ammo, which is extra weight. You'd be better off carrying a box of hand grenades..."

What a deep grudge.

Gao Yuan said softly, "Uncle Xiang, which rifle is your favorite?"

Xiang Weiguo replied without hesitation, "Is that even a question? Of course, the Type 81!"

"Oh, I guessed as much. So is the Type 81 really better than the Type 95?"

Xiang Weiguo pondered for a moment, then he said seriously, "You can't say that, you really can't. It's a matter of habit; I'm used to and like the Type 81, but that doesn't mean the Type 81 is better. If you ask the recruits, or those who have never used the Type 81, to compare the two types of guns, they would definitely prefer the Type 95."

"Why? But the internet says the Type 81 is classic and Type 95 is junk..."

"They don't know shit!"

"You were saying, keep on..."

Still feeling the remnant anger, Xiang Weiguo tried to contain his fury and said, "The Type 95 is lighter, shorter, has less recoil, a higher hit rate, and good accuracy. Why insist on saying the Type 81 is better? It's only because the older generation of soldiers isn't used to it, so they look down upon the Type 95. Of course, when the Type 95 first came out, it had many problems, but after improvements were made, it got much better. Overall, if you let the currently serving soldiers speak, they definitely prefer the Type 95."

After finishing, Xiang Weiguo took a deep breath, then helplessly said, "But for me, the Type 81 is definitely better. Habit is one aspect, and the Type 81 also has higher accuracy, and its semi-automatic shooting is even more precise than that of the Type 56 semi."

"Ah, that can't be possible? The internet says... forget I said anything...

Gao Yuan knew he had misspoken, but Xiang Weiguo had already blown his top.

Finally unable to contain himself, Xiang Weiguo pointed to his own nose and said angrily, "I am right here! Can't you listen to what I'm saying? Can you? I'm the expert! Me! I've been shooting all my life; the Type 81's semi-automatic shooting is more accurate than the Type 56 semi. Do you want to check it out? Do you?"

"Calm down, I misspoke..."

Taking another deep breath, with a constipated look on his face, Xiang Weiguo didn't want to say more. He waved his hand and said, "The Type 81 is a good gun, and the Type 95 isn't bad either. The improved Type 92 can also be used. Anything is good except for the Type 88 loose. Now, take your guns and go, quick!"

Better not take any rifles, Xiang Weiguo was right, having four people carry three machine guns with one as a spare was a good idea; spare parts could be scavenged from the broken one if needed.

They also needed to carry a handgun each, no, Gao Yuan immediately changed the number of handguns in his mind to two per person.

Three boxes of rifle ammo, one box of handgun ammo, a box of grenades, four machine guns, four scopes – they didn't need this many, but spares were necessary because scopes were also consumables, as were gun cleaning tools.

After laying out all these items, Gao Yuan no longer wished to carry any more guns.

The reason was simple - he really couldn't carry it, it was too much to handle.

If there were vehicles available, Gao Yuan would have been able to empty out this armory in one trip after another.

But now, having to hand-carry and shoulder the equipment, they couldn't even bring a box of bullets each – it was too heavy and too inconvenient to carry.

Looking at Gao Yuan, who seemed baffled, Xiang Weiguo spoke as though he had expected this all along, "There's still more to it. Each machine gun comes with two drums and ten magazines. Take as much as you can carry; let's see how much that is."

Gao Yuan looked at the pile of ammo on the ground, then at Xiang Weiguo, and finally said, "How am I supposed to carry all this? It's impossible."

Xiang Weiguo, with a resigned expression, finally burst out, "Now you get it, right? What's the use of being greedy? Were you planning to take the ammo boxes home too? Take the bullets out and load them into the magazines. Take as many loose rounds as you can carry. Forget it, just stand there and watch. I'll show you how to pack now. I might as well be training new recruits."