Chapter 40 Just That Realistic

It was just too thrilling, seriously too thrilling.

But my shoulder really hurts a bit. The recoil of the Type 95 light machine gun isn't actually that strong, according to Xiang Weiguo, it's even less than that of the Type 81 light machine gun. However, after firing several hundred rounds in one go, my shoulder was a bit sore, and my ears had also started buzzing.

They fired to their hearts' content until they didn't want to shoot anymore, Gao Yuan and Luo Xingyu also gained a preliminary understanding of the weapons in their hands.

If there's plenty of ammo that you can't finish, you might as well have fun like this.

"Alright, now that you've all fired quite a few bullets, and have a preliminary understanding of the weapons you're holding, let's move on to precision shooting. Let me see if you have a talent for shooting. Xiao Yuan, you're up first."

Xiang Weiguo pointed to a target in the distance and said, "One hundred meter half-size target. Three-round burst must hit the target. This isn't a high demand. Go ahead."

Gao Yuan lay on the ground, opened the bipod, and positioned the rifle for prone shooting. After firing a three-round burst and emptying the thirty-round magazine, Xiang Weiguo said, "Clear the gun, and check the chamber."

As Xiang Weiguo had explained the basic gun operation procedure many times before, there was no need for him to elaborate now.

Xiang Weiguo turned towards Luo Xingyu and said, "Go check the target, see how many bullet holes there are. Don't bother counting the score rings."

Luo Xingyu ran over and then quickly came back, saying, "There are a total of twenty-six bullet holes."

Xiang Weiguo nodded, then turned to Gao Yuan and said, "Not bad, the hit rate is pretty good."

"Does that count as excellent?"

"Excellent? No, it's just average. Not good, but not bad either. Try firing single shots and let's see how many points you can score."

Gao Yuan fired again, and this time he shot ten times, with Xiang Weiguo checking the target afterwards.

"87 points. Not bad, not bad. Getting this score on your first try is quite okay."

Xiang Weiguo was fairly satisfied, but he quickly added, "Don't ask, this score is neither good nor bad. It's just okay. Xiaoyu, it's your turn to shoot."

Luo Xingyu first fired a thirty-round burst, then fired ten precise shots.

Xiang Weiguo obviously valued Gao Yuan more, so he only checked the target after Luo Xingyu had finished shooting, and he asked Gao Yuan to check it.

Gao Yuan ran over. He first checked the burst shooting target, then he shouted loudly, "30 hits on target."

Hearing Gao Yuan's shout, Xiang Weiguo turned to Luo Xingyu with a slightly surprised expression, "Not bad at all."

After a short moment, however, they heard Gao Yuan shout, "Uncle Xiang, come over here."

"What's wrong?"

"Come here, something's not right."

"What's not right?"

Xiang Weiguo started walking over, and at that moment, Gao Yuan, with a puzzled and confused face, said, "99 points..."

Xiang Weiguo froze for a moment, then immediately started running.

The center of the ten-ring target was densely pocked with little holes. After seeing this, Xiang Weiguo, with a face full of surprise, exclaimed, "Hey! Not bad at all! This is impressive!"

Cautiously, Gao Yuan asked, "Could there be a mistake?"

"Mistake what mistake."

Clearly dissatisfied, Xiang Weiguo glared at Gao Yuan and angrily said, "Useless, not even as good as a girl."

Just one bullet had hit the dividing line between the nine and ten rings. Looking closely, the half of the hole closer to the ten rings was slightly larger.

"That could count as a hundred points."


Xiang Weiguo made up his mind, then he looked towards Luo Xingyu a hundred meters away.

"What a promising recruit!"

Gao Yuan cautiously said, "Xiaoyu is very skilled, isn't she?"

Xiang Weiguo chuckled and replied, "Let's put it this way, in any new soldiers' company, if there's a recruit like that, they'd definitely be groomed for a marksman role straight away. As long as they can keep up with the overall standards, they're sure to be sniper material. If their overall abilities are even higher, there's no question—the special forces units would be scrambling to recruit them."

Gao Yuan's mouth fell open as he said, "Wow, is she that good?"

"You're actually not bad either, but in comparison..."

Xiang Weiguo shook his head and sighed, but he quickly smiled again, "It's good, really good, I mean, it's very good for her to provide cover."

Xiang Weiguo started striding back, and Gao Yuan still stood there dazed. It took a while before Xiang Weiguo remembered Gao Yuan was there, he turned back and shouted, "What are you still standing there like an idiot for? Come here and load the bullets!"

Gao Yuan felt Xiang Weiguo's favoritism slipping away from him.

Xiang Weiguo came back to Luo Xingyu's side and said with a kind smile, "Xiaoyu, not bad shooting. Come on, try hitting the two-hundred-meter target."

Gao Yuan had just walked back when Xiang Weiguo waved him aside and said, "Where do you think you're going? Move aside, Xiaoyu you focus on shooting, don't be nervous."

Luo Xingyu curiously asked, "Why would I be nervous?"

After her odd counter-question, Luo Xingyu started shooting and fired ten rounds.

Gao Yuan wanted to check the target, but this time Xiang Weiguo was quicker.

Watching Xiang Weiguo run to check the target, Gao Yuan felt both happy and disappointed. Why happy? Because it's good that Luo Xingyu's shooting was accurate. Why disappointed? Because Xiang Weiguo didn't even bother to watch him shoot.

"Xiaoyu, impressive, you might be a born marksman."

Luo Xingyu said with surprise, "Really? Is that so? Gao Yuan, don't lie to me."

"Call me 'Brother'..."

"Alright, just don't trick me!"

Xiang Weiguo ran back, his face beaming with excitement, loudly announcing, "96 rings, haha, 96 rings, and that's at two-hundred meters. Not bad, not bad at all, what a promising recruit!"

After his proclamation, Xiang Weiguo turned to Gao Yuan and said, "You there, fetch an 88 sniper rifle quickly, oh, and bring a blanket too. It's cold lying on the ground; don't want Xiaoyu to catch a chill."

Alright, I've been demoted to 'You there'.

By the time Gao Yuan brought over the 88 sniper rifle and the blanket, Xiang Weiguo was already saying to Luo Xingyu with a benevolent face, "Let me try to adjust the scope first, and then you can use this rifle next. Let's do a three-hundred-meter target for a trial. Rest for now, put on my coat so you don't freeze, 'You there,' is there hot water? If not, go back and boil some. It's so cold; what if Xiaoyu gets cold?"

Gao Yuan was truly shocked; he hadn't expected his status to plummet so suddenly to that of an errand runner.

That was all too quick.

Luo Xingyu looked at Gao Yuan and said, "Brother, my shooting was off just now when I was holding the rifle, oh, my unsupported shooting and kneeling positions are not good; the bullets all went astray."

Xiang Weiguo hurriedly reassured, "No worries, no worries, that's pretty normal. You don't have enough strength to hold the rifle steady, but that's something you can train. However, this natural gun feel isn't something that can be trained. Even if he trained for a lifetime, he couldn't match you, which is normal. So, just wait a bit, Xiao Yuan, what are you standing around for? Go fetch hot water."

It seemed like Xiang Weiguo now even had a bit of 'love the house and its crow' mentality, but it was Gao Yuan who was the afterthought.

"Uncle Xiang, do you have to be so realistic?"

Xiang Weiguo scoffed with a smile, "Realistic? Absolutely. Remember this, I'm just this realistic in the army. If you're a promising recruit, you're a treasure. Seeing a good prospect makes me happy—why, what's wrong with that? Not convinced? If you're not, then shoot a hundred rings for me. I'll load the bullets and fetch water for you. If you can stand and shoot a hundred rings at two hundred meters, I'll call you 'Grandpa'... cough cough, I'll call you 'Brother,' sure. Come on, shoot one."

Gao Yuan let out a breath and said, "I'm accurate with hand grenades... forget it; I'll get the water."

Xiang Weiguo was taken aback, "I actually forgot about that talent of yours. Hmm, now that I think about it, you're also a promising recruit. Well, go boil the water and pick up some hand grenades too, take practice ones. Actually, forget it, I'll go. You two just shoot around here, I'll be back in no time."
