42nd Chapter: Going Home for the New Year

Luo Xingyu's gun was the best.

Why was Luo Xingyu's gun considered the best? Because among guns of the same model, there's a difference in precision, and Luo Xingyu's 95 machine gun was selected for its highest accuracy out of twenty such guns.

Moreover, Luo Xingyu's machine gun was also fitted with a scope, a brand-new one, used with the 88 sniper rifle.

Now Luo Xingyu had a machine gun whose accuracy was not at all inferior to the average level of the 88 sniper rifles. It could fire in bursts or single shots, had a larger magazine capacity, and was a bit more portable, so why would Luo Xingyu need an 88 sniper rifle?

However, Luo Xingyu didn't use her primary gun when practicing shooting because barrels and scopes have a lifespan. Typically, after firing two thousand bullets, the scope would become inaccurate and need to be replaced.

Therefore, when Luo Xingyu trained, she used other guns, as there were plenty here.

But after the initial excitement passed, Luo Xingyu began to dread seeing guns because she now had to fire several thousand bullets a day. At the beginning, she had to fire ten thousand bullets a day, which truly made her feel like vomiting.

The daily volume of over ten thousand shots was truly more than a girl could bear. Later, when it was realized that Luo Xingyu really couldn't handle such a massive volume of shooting, Xiang Weiguo reduced it to five thousand, and now it had dropped to two thousand.

So Luo Xingyu's daily fixed job was to shoot two thousand bullets with a 95 squad machine gun, and she wasn't allowed to eat until she finished.

As for Gao Yuan, he had it even tougher. Besides shooting, he also had to undergo a portion of physical and tactical training exercises.

Grenade throwing was not much practiced because everything relied on a natural talent, and Gao Yuan had quite a high talent for throwing grenades. Although he couldn't stop practicing entirely, he also didn't need to focus most of his energy on it.

An awkward truth was that zombies didn't require hand grenades, nor did hunting, and as for warfare, did Gao Yuan have a chance to fight in a war?

He had been living in the military camp for nearly a month.

In the barracks, there was a place to live, food to eat, and an endless supply of bullets.

But having lived in the barracks for over a month, Gao Yuan couldn't help but feel a bit homesick.

Longing for home, of course, meant their abandoned small mountain village home.

Staying in the military camp was temporary, merely because there were ample bullets to fire at will, not because they had to live there.

If they wanted to continue staying, that was certainly no problem. Gao Yuan and the others shooting their guns and throwing hand grenades every day hadn't attracted zombies, but the problem was Gao Yuan really missed home.

Luo Xingyu probably missed home too, which could be seen from her drastic decline in appetite.

Having eaten only three steamed buns and drunk two bowls of porridge, Luo Xingyu put down her chopsticks.

"Not feeling hungry?"

Gao Yuan picked up the fourth steamed bun. The steamed buns Uncle Xiang made were almost the size of large bowls. In the past, Gao Yuan couldn't finish even one in a meal, but now he needed at least four at each meal.

Without any dishes or meat, just steamed buns with pickled vegetables and thin porridge, then add at least ten kilometers of armed running every day, a shooting volume of five thousand bullets, along with sparring with Uncle Xiang using the staff, and on top of that dozens of grenade throws, anyone would need to eat four steamed buns per meal.

"You guys go ahead, I'm full," Gao Yuan said.

Luo Xingyu seemed a bit down as she yawned and said, "I'll wait for you to finish cleaning up before we leave."

It was already dark, and without any entertainment, they had expended a lot of energy during the day, so naturally, they fell back into the routine of resting at sunset.

Gao Yuan looked at his watch, then suddenly said, "Hey, isn't it about time for the New Year?"

Xiang Weiguo and Luo Xingyu were both startled, and then Xiang Weiguo asked in surprise, "Is it time for the New Year?"

Gao Yuan didn't have his mobile phone with him; it was in the Faraday cage. However, his mechanical watch had a calendar.

After converting the Gregorian calendar to the lunar calendar, Gao Yuan nodded firmly and said, "The day after tomorrow is New Year's!"

It was time for the New Year.

There was certainly no festive atmosphere now, but faced with the Spring Festival, the most important traditional holiday, it seemed that it should be taken seriously.

Luo Xingyu cautiously suggested, "It's time for the New Year... why don't we... go home for the festival!"

Gao Yuan immediately nodded and said, "I think so too. Let's go home for the New Year, Uncle Xiang, what do you think?"

Xiang Weiguo waved his hand and then said cheerfully, "Then let's go home for the New Year!"

Luo Xingyu and Gao Yuan both cheered because they really didn't want to stay in the military camp any longer but were too embarrassed to say it out loud.

Staying in the camp was for training, just for the sake of survival, but the issue was that Gao Yuan and his group had survived, and after solving their basic survival needs, they were living quite well, which naturally made them less enthusiastic about training.

If the amount of training wasn't so extensive, it wouldn't be so bad, but Xiang Weiguo wouldn't tolerate any slack. In his view, if you were going to train, you should do it properly, so although there was no immediate need for intensive training, Gao Yuan and the others still undertook a significant amount.

This was only possible because they had the necessary resources. If it had been the past, when they were lacking food and clothing, such training wouldn't have been feasible at all.

"Since we are going back, let's make it quick. We'll set off tomorrow morning, aiming to get home before dark to celebrate the New Year. This means we need to get everything ready tonight, pack up everything that needs to be packed," Xiang Weiguo said as he quickly made arrangements. He then instructed Gao Yuan, "Go to the ammunition storage and move all the bullets out, aside from the ones you're carrying. Pull the rest with a cart. I've thought about it; although our route home requires us to go around the village, the cart will definitely make it. There's only one place on the way back to the city where the cart can't go through, but we can take some extra trouble, move the ammunition a few more times, and then get the empty cart over. That way, we'll be able to bring at least five more boxes of bullets and a case of grenades."

The temptation to bring an extra five boxes of bullets and a case of grenades was too great. Gao Yuan hurriedly finished his steamed bun and said, "Even if we only get home the day after tomorrow, it's fine. The ammunition is more important. I'll go move the bullets now; you guys pack up the rest."

Gao Yuan quickly left. He needed to move out the guns and bullets they were taking, put the unnecessary guns back, and then reweld the armory's door shut. This way, if other people came later, they wouldn't be able to easily take any weapons.

It was not that Gao Yuan and his group didn't care about the lives of others or wanted to completely block others from getting weapons. But considering the current environment, most good people or ordinary people had gone into large shelters, and they wouldn't need to come here looking for weapons. The people wandering outside were more uncertain; it was hard to know if they were good or bad.

If good people got their hands on the weapons, that would be one thing, but if villains like the ones who kidnapped Luo Xingyu got hold of so many weapons and ammunition, it would become a disaster for the good people. In this apocalypse, villains were often more terrifying than zombies.

Therefore, the armory had to be sealed off.