Chapter 57 Gao Yuan has arrived!

The response team at the shelter was extremely quick, and the person manning the machine gun position must have used a radio or something to inform people inside the shelter because those responsible for receiving survivors reacted swiftly.

It took five minutes for the people from the shelter to reach Gao Yuan.

There were five of them, four soldiers and one in civilian clothes.

"Where is the injured?"

A soldier dressed in military uniform, carrying a first-aid kit, reached Gao Yuan, and got straight to the point without any small talk.

Gao Yuan pointed to the back and said, "Three people, they're all in the back. We have guns, but can we explain that to you later?"

The soldier with the first-aid kit waved his hand and said, "Save people first, discuss the rest with him."

The man in civilian clothes said, "When you enter the shelter later, you'll need to register and have a physical check-up. If there are no issues, you won't need to be quarantined. But if there are, you'll need to be quarantined for twenty-four hours to seven days. We'll talk about these details later. First, I need to ask if any of you have had symptoms of fever."

The soldiers all ran forward, and Gao Yuan started running too, but he was so exhausted that he fell behind with the man in civilian clothes.

"No fever symptoms, just one person with a gunshot wound."

"Alright, let's not talk about the injured for now. Have any of you had close contact with high-risk rabies hosts, such as dogs, cats, bats, etc., including being bitten, scratched, eating the meat of these animals, or petting and hugging them?"

Gao Yuan hesitated for a moment and said, "We were quite close to a dog, but does it count if we didn't touch it?"

"Hmm, that doesn't count. How come you were close to a dog?"

Gao Yuan wasn't sure if he should tell the truth. After thinking for a moment, he said, "We came across a person on the road with several dogs. We didn't get too close, didn't come near the dogs."

"It's definitely Jia Weidong again. That guy just won't stay away from his dogs. But you'll still have to be quarantined. Can't help it, it's the regulation. Though, it should be no more than twenty-four hours."

A rule is a rule, and it is meant to be followed. Gao Yuan had no objections.

By this time, the soldiers had already reached Yu Shunzhou and the others. Two soldiers swapped Yu Shunzhou onto a stretcher, and the medic, after examining Yu Shunzhou's wounds with a flashlight and without opening his first-aid kit, immediately said, "The situation is extremely critical. Arrange for emergency treatment right away. Director Zhao, I'm taking the wounded away."

A soldier with a pistol nodded and said, "You go ahead first."

Two soldiers carrying Yu Shunzhou hurried away, and the medic kept calling out anxiously, "Steady now, steady!"

Gao Yuan suddenly felt at ease.

Indeed, they are the most beloved people. No matter the situation, these soldiers are always the most convincing and reassuring support.

In that instant, as the three soldiers escorted Yu Shunzhou toward the shelter, Gao Yuan's reluctance to enter the shelter suddenly wavered.

"All right, the injured has been taken care of, and he will get the best and timeliest treatment. Our doctors will definitely do their utmost to save him, you can be assured. Now, let me give you a brief overview. This is Stonegate City Second Shelter, and I am Zhao Zhengwu, the head of the Second Shelter Survivor Joint Working Group."

After a brief introduction, Zhao Zhengwu became serious and said, "We are currently under military governance. You must answer all of my questions truthfully. If I find no issues with you, then Comrade Nie Erlong here will be responsible for registering your identity information and arranging your accommodations. Any problems with that?"

Xiang Weiguo spoke solemnly, "No problem."

Zhao Zhengwu waved his hand and said, "Disarm first, give me your guns. Xiao Zhang, take all the guns."

All three rifles were confiscated, and then Zhao Zhengwu said with a stern face, "First, clarify your identities, then explain where your guns came from, and why the injured person has been shot."

Xiang Weiguo stepped forward and said to Zhao Zhengwu, "Comrade Zhao Zhengwu, hello, my name is Xiang Weiguo, I am a retired colonel, and this is my reserve officer's ID, and this is my retirement certificate."

Gao Yuan did not even know that Xiang Weiguo was carrying his officer's ID with him.

Zhao Zhengwu's face was full of surprise, but he still took the reserve officer's ID. After a soldier beside him shone a flashlight on it for a glance, he immediately said, "Isn't this wrong? How can he still be a reservist at such an age?"

Zhao Zhengwu looked doubtful because there are age limits on the reserve officer's ID, and reservists are normally promoted in rank, but Xiang Weiguo's ID had none of that.

Xiang Weiguo smiled and said, "Special forces, I also have a special service certificate here."

Xiang Weiguo handed over another certification, and after Zhao Zhengwu opened it and took a look, he performed three actions.

Receive the certificate, stand at attention, and salute.

"Good day, sir!"

After speaking, Zhao Zhengwu presented both certificates with both hands.

Xiang Weiguo returned the military salute, then he took the certificates and said, "The origins of these three guns are a bit complicated. I will explain them to you slowly. These two are with me, but they are neither active service members nor retired military personnel. Can we perhaps have something to eat and drink first? We're really exhausted."

Zhao Zhengwu immediately said, "Of course, there's no problem, sir. I will report to the commander at once. He will definitely be pleased to know you've come to our shelter."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Zhengwu turned to Nie Erlong, the only one in civilian clothes, and said, "Er Long, you take care of registering the officer's identity. You can register these two and make good arrangements for them. We have to follow the rules, but let's make sure their accommodation and isolation facilities are well arranged."

Nie Erlong immediately said, "Sure, let's walk and talk. What are your names?"

"My name is Gao Yuan."

"My name is Luo Xingyu."

As the two names were reported, Nie Erlong didn't think much of it and was about to ask more, but Zhao Zhengwu suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute, what did you say your name is?"

Gao Yuan was taken aback and said, "Gao Yuan."

"You are that Gao Yuan, and she is that Luo Xingyu?"

Seeing Zhao Zhengwu's face excited to the point of bursting, Gao Yuan thought for a moment and said, "If you are talking about...the Gao Yuan on the radio, then yes, that's me, and she is indeed Luo Xingyu."

Zhao Zhengwu took a deep breath and said, "So it is the Gao Yuan from the Taihang Mountain, it's you!"

"It's me..."

Zhao Zhengwu turned to look at Luo Xingyu, then suddenly grabbed his walkie-talkie at his waist, took a deep breath, and broadcasted, "Gao Yuan has arrived!"

"Gao Yuan? That sounds familiar. Is it that Gao Yuan? The one who broadcasted on New Year's Eve?"

Zhao Zhengwu looked at Gao Yuan, his face full of excitement, and said, "Exactly, it's him! And Luo Xingyu too, the Xiaoyu from the broadcast, has come to our shelter!"

After that, Zhao Zhengwu seemed to remember Xiang Weiguo, so he immediately added, "And a retired officer has come as well. Hurry up and prepare to receive them, haha, Gao Yuan and Luo Xingyu have come to our shelter!"