Chapter 89 Xinghe

Mecha, it indeed was mecha, certainly mecha.

The aliens' every word carried so much information; he had too many questions he wanted to ask.

Wang Hu didn't hesitate much, and he loudly said, "I want to ask you a question, what can you help us with, and how can we fight the Serpent People! Oh, fight the Serpent People's Expedition Team."

"That question is too broad, I cannot provide a brief answer," the alien replied. "Based on current conditions, the Serpent People's primary means of attack are biological weapons, gene weapons. As an expedition team, they neither have weapons capable of quickly annihilating the Earthlings nor do they wish to cause excessive damage to Earth. I can provide drugs that make humans no longer threatened by the Serpent People's gene weapons. This would allow you to survive on Earth as long as possible, but once the main body of the Serpent People's civilization arrives, all Earthlings will ultimately be exterminated."

Only survival?

But, 320 years, if they really could survive that long, it seemed like it would be enough for a lifetime.

This was Gao Yuan's first reaction, but clearly it wasn't the kind of thinking that Wang Hu and Xiang Weiguo, these military types, had.

Xiang Weiguo spoke in a deep voice, "Excuse me, can you leave the mecha, we can definitely ensure your safety."

"I temporarily cannot leave the mecha, I am still adapting to Earth's atmosphere, this takes time. When I can adapt to the Earth's environmental air, I will leave the mecha."

The alien's answer was polite and also seemed sincere, so Xiang Weiguo nodded at Wang Hu, signaling for him to continue asking questions.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Hu said, "If our technology is able to develop rapidly, can we fight the Serpent People?"

"I repeat, based on my current preliminary understanding of Earth's civilization, humans cannot fight the Serpent People's Expedition Team. However, with my technological support, things will be different."

Wang Hu continued, "Why did you come here, I mean, why did you come to our place?"

"According to my civilization's records, I should be at..."

The alien stopped speaking, and suddenly a sphere of light appeared in front of him. Light emanated from above his eyes, and a floating Earth materialized in the air before them.

The alien pointed to a spot and said, "According to our civilization's records, I was supposed to converge with Earthlings here, where our forerunners left civilizational coordinates, a multifunction medical pod, and space observation equipment. But when I arrived there, I found no signals from the space observatory and communication equipment; I followed the signal here, which is one of the closest points to the source of the signal. I should have gone to the location of the signal source, but I was pursued by the Serpent People and had to abandon my spacecraft, using its self-destruct to destroy the Serpent People's small spacecraft, so that I could make contact with Earthlings and communicate."

It all became clear, the alien on the 3D globe in front of him was pointing to Europa, but when he arrived there, he found no signal from his civilization's forerunners or the coordinates, that was the gist of it, and then he arrived here.

Xiang Weiguo immediately whispered to Wang Hu, "Have you made contact with the higher-ups yet? We need to report immediately."

"Do I even need to say it, of course I've already tried to make contact," replied Wang Hu. "But the recent nuclear explosion has made the signals extremely unstable; we can't get through right now. We don't know how long the interference will last; we can only wait."

After explaining, Wang Hu turned to the alien and said, "May I ask what your civilization is called, and how should we address you?"

The alien replied without hesitation, "Originally, humans on the other side of Earth called us God. Your ancestors, someone named Wang Mang, called us Celestial. According to your tradition, you may continue to call us Celestial. As for my name, I am called Mo... Sa Yi Ou... Sa Ke."

A series of strange and long syllables; this was real alien language.

But fortunately, right after speaking, the alien quickly added another sentence.

"Translated into your language, my name is Milky Way, or Xinghe, or Sky River, or Cloud River, or River Han, or Han River, or Cloud Han, or... there are many names you give to the Milky Way."

"So, it's the meaning of Milky Way, is it? Then we'll call you... Xinghe."

Wang Hu thought about calling him Milky Way, but he found the name a bit odd, so he decided to name him Xinghe.

"That's fine, a name is just a code, for easier communication, I will be called Xinghe."

Xinghe now had a name, but that was not important. After pondering for a moment, Wang Hu asked, "So your visit to Earth is purely to help us, is that correct?"

"Not entirely. Many years ago, when Earth had just birthed an advanced civilization, we visited Earth and contributed to accelerating your civilization's development," Xinghe replied.

Xinghe paused, then continued, "Around forty thousand Earth years ago, we first visited Earth, and then we kept visiting regularly. Six thousand years ago, before our first homeworld was destroyed, our forerunners' prototype of the highest civilization came to Earth, but he never returned and was lost to us.

Afterwards, due to a catastrophe on our homeworld, we ceased our observations of Earth until we developed anew on a different planet, and then we visited Earth again, that was two thousand years ago. We monitored the Serpent People's explorations and expansion, knowing they would come to Earth, so we left our civilizational coordinates and artifacts to help Earth, but their main mission was not completed, which was to find our prototype machine.

Returning to Earth happened after a civil war, and we urgently needed to retrieve the highest standard of civilization's spaceship to help Earthlings resist the Serpent People's invasion. However, because of the civil war, their spaceships were severely malfunctioned and ultimately crashed at this location."

Xinghe pointed to a spot on the globe, and that's when the young officer shouted, "Tunguska! The Tunguska explosion!"

Xinghe continued calmly, "I arrived on Earth after two catastrophes. Due to the second catastrophe, our technology and civilization suffered a severe setback, so my mission is to recuperate the highest civilization's prototype machine and to assist humans in resisting the Serpent People, buying time for our planet to develop anew."

This explanation made sense, the aliens' visit wasn't completely out of goodwill; they also had clear interests at stake, but that was even better because the enemy of our enemy is our friend.

Wang Hu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then we are allies. Rest assured, we will definitely put up a full fight against the Serpent People... the Expedition Team! But I have another question. It must have taken you a long time to come to Earth, is your mother planet highly developed again now?"

Xinghe was silent for a moment before saying, "It might have developed again or perhaps declined even further; I don't know. While I was in hibernation within my spaceship, I couldn't know the status of my homeworld. Also, we have very few spaceships left for use, and now my spaceship has been completely destroyed, so I cannot contact my comrades unless I find the highest civilization's prototype machine."