Chapter 121 Silent Power

Gao Yuan was at the front pulling the train while Xinghe was surrounded in the middle, with a dozen special forces members scattered around.

The team was efficient, allowing them to move through the zombie-infested area at the fastest speed.

Gao Yuan felt very relaxed. Although there were at least a thousand zombies behind him, he could go fast or slow as he wished, which gave him a feeling of being superhuman.

Yes, it was a feeling of being superhuman.

Things that others couldn't do, he could do.

Things that others were afraid to do, he dared to do.

Gao Yuan had started to enjoy the surprised looks and exclamations of others.

He glanced back and saw that the nearest zombie was only three meters away.

Controlling speed also meant controlling distance.

The zombies behind him were clawing fiercely, but they were always just a little bit too far away to catch up. Gao Yuan controlled his pace and it felt really good.

Keep running. If he found the zombies were falling behind, he would slow down a little, and if the zombies were close enough to reach out and touch him, he would increase his speed slightly.

Having the feeling of being a superman was truly marvelous.

The further he could lead the zombies away, the better, but by now he had been leading the zombies for twenty minutes. According to the pattern he had noticed, zombies that had been weak before turning should have started to fall behind due to exhaustion, and those that had been strong in life should be slowing down and gradually coming to a halt.

Suddenly, Gao Yuan heard a sizzling noise.

It was a high-frequency sound, like ultrasonics, similar to the noise made when cleaning glasses or jewelry with ultrasonic devices.

The sound wasn't loud, nor was it very piercing, but Gao Yuan instinctively felt something was wrong.

Because the noise was too similar to the sounds that Armored Beasts make when they are injured.

Gao Yuan turned to look back and saw that indeed, some of the zombies were falling behind, but on closer inspection, they weren't just straggling; they were turning around and running in another direction.

Startled, Gao Yuan immediately yelled, "This way! Keep up, don't go the wrong way; over here, ah!"

But the zombies continued to turn and run away, with only the few in the front still relentlessly pursuing him.

Where was the problem?

Where was the problem!

Gao Yuan was so scared that he felt out of his body. He turned around and, with the iron rod in his hand, swung it down with a smack, and with a splat, he smashed a zombie's head to pieces.

This was the first time Gao Yuan had stopped to face the zombies head-on instead of speeding away.

Several zombies were consecutively knocked to the ground.

Using an iron rod didn't seem as clean as using a long sword, which would cut a zombie into two pieces, but with a rod, zombies lost the ability to move more quickly.

Of course, that was provided the iron rod could hit the zombies on the head.

But now wasn't the time to consider such things, because more and more zombies were leaving, and by the direction they were taking, it was precisely towards the path that Xiang Weiguo and the others would be using.

What exactly was the problem!

Gao Yuan was really anxious and shouted, "Over here, ah! Over here!"

But the zombies didn't stop.

Gao Yuan started to switch roles; he began to run desperately, skimming past the zombies, moving from the long queue he had just formed to the very front.

Where exactly was the problem?

The sound, it must be that high-frequency sizzling noise.

The sound was calling these zombies to change direction.

Gao Yuan rushed to the front because these zombies had run almost to the point of losing their explosive power.

Gao Yuan finally reached the front, then swung his stick from behind and knocked down the lead zombie before standing still, attempting to hold off more zombies.

It didn't take long for Gao Yuan's eyes to turn blood red.

He realized he couldn't hold them back.

Even if Gao Yuan could kill one per second, he couldn't hold them back, let alone ten per second, as hordes of zombies ignored his presence, running right past him.

Carrying a hand grenade, should he pull the pin?

After thinking it over, Gao Yuan ultimately didn't dare to do so, acting prudently because zombies were easy to handle, it was the Armored Beasts that would be a disaster, and attracting the focused attention of the Serpent People would mean complete annihilation.

Gao Yuan no longer tried to stop the zombies but turned and ran at full speed toward the area where Xiang Weiguo and the others might be.

The speed was too terrifying even for hundred-meter sprints.

Gao Yuan quickly realized what was happening.

Zhang Deshuai's special forces were engaged in silent combat with the zombies.

A special forces member swung his broadsword, slicing a zombie in half, but with three zombies pouncing simultaneously, the soldier was overpowered and fell beneath two of them as his blade struck the second zombie.

With the momentum of the zombies, no normal human could withstand the onslaught, no one could.

The zombies began to tear and bite at the arms and torso of the special forces member pinned to the ground.

There weren't many zombies, just over a dozen, so the teammates of the fallen special forces member had a chance to rush over, kicking one away and slashing another to death.

No one spoke, no one screamed, just more and more zombies approaching swiftly from all directions.

Especially the large group of zombies that were charging from behind Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan glanced back and saw neither Xinghe, Xiang Weiguo, nor Luo Xingyu.

Just then, the member who had been pounced on by two zombies staggered to his feet; he wasn't bitten to death, but he had been bitten.

The soldier touched his blood-drenched face and seemed dazed for a moment.

Not being bitten to death directly, but turning into a zombie—this was the most terrifying outcome.

Since there weren't many zombies, Gao Yuan silently swung his iron stick, knocking down five zombies in a row, and temporary calm returned to the battlefield. The nearest zombies would arrive in a few dozen seconds.

A special forces member looked toward Zhang Deshuai and then to the comrade who had been bitten by zombies.

Zhang Deshuai covered his forehead with his hand, let out a low sigh, and then walked toward his teammate with a knife in hand.

The bitten soldier shook his head at Zhang Deshuai, then pulled out the military saber strapped to his thigh and plunged it violently into his own neck.

One of the most elite special forces soldiers fell to the ground silently. He wouldn't turn into a zombie now that he was completely dead.

Gao Yuan's scalp tingled at the sight.

This was the power of silence.

He didn't need the captain to help him find release because he could still move; if he could still move, he shouldn't let his comrades have to do it, then be left with the guilt.

So it seemed, even superheroes couldn't do everything.

Gao Yuan whispered to Zhang Deshuai, "What's going on? Why are the zombies uncontrollably running this way?"

Zhang Deshuai shook his head, gestured not to speak, but Gao Yuan angrily said, "The zombies are all here, what's the use of staying silent, tell me, what the hell is going on?"

Zhang Deshuai whispered urgently, "One of our rearguard members was passing a water channel, inside was a zombie with broken legs. The zombie didn't move or make a sound. When he walked by, the zombie grabbed his leg and bit him."

"Did he scream?"

"No, he definitely didn't make a sound!"

Zhang Deshuai's face was full of grief and helplessness as he shook his head, "He didn't make any noise at all, not a single sound!"