Chapter 124 The Right Thing to Do


The blood had already congealed, and the bloody smell had turned foul, but Gao Yuan could only endure it.

Now, Gao Yuan had even begun to miss the thoroughly chilling sensation of being drenched in disinfectant.

At the place where bicycles were parked, the group mounted their bikes. Now, lacking three special forces members, there were still three fewer bicycles than before, but carrying one person on a bike hardly affected their speed.

The only one who needed to walk was Xinghe, but Xinghe had the Mecha, so it was just a question of whether he needed it or not; he would only move faster and certainly wouldn't fall behind in speed.

The road ahead became much easier, with virtually no large groups of zombies. Avoiding them or even clearing them out before proceeding wasn't a problem, so the remainder of the journey was very simple, uneventfully so.

They were finally approaching Base No. 12, and by the time they could see the external structures of Base No. 12, it was already the early evening.

Over a hundred kilometers was not a distance that could be covered swiftly, but completing it safely within a day was already quite fast.

As Zhang Deshuai led the way on his bicycle, approaching the entrance of the base first, some soldiers specially arranged outside began to get excited.

"They're back!"

"Did you see the aliens?"

"There were aliens, real aliens, quick, report this!"

In the midst of the excited welcome from everyone, Gao Yuan and the others finally arrived at the entrance of Base No. 12.

Xu Manzhi hadn't personally come out to greet them at the gate, but he was just behind the door. Learning of Xinghe's arrival, he immediately came out to receive them.

"Hello! Hello!"

Xu Manzhi didn't know how to communicate with an alien, so apart from saying hello, he couldn't find much else to say.

"Well, everyone, please hurry inside," Gao Yuan interjected from the side. He called out to the group from afar, "Move quickly, I'm waiting to be disinfected and change clothes."

Xu Manzhi immediately said to Xinghe, "On behalf of... um, let's talk inside. Please!"

The group filed in, but disinfection was still necessary, and even Xinghe willingly stood under the spray equipment to be washed with the disinfectant.

After everyone had been disinfected and entered through the second security door, Gao Yuan, the severely contaminated source, finally stepped through the first door. After repeatedly being rinsed and changing out all of his contaminated clothing, he looked towards the second door, only to start hesitating.

He definitely had to go, but the question was whether or not he should speak.

If he didn't say a word to Luo Xingyu, she would probably start worrying again.

So, even though he didn't want to waste time, Gao Yuan still went to the front of the second door.

The door opened, and to Gao Yuan's surprise, even though he had spent at least ten minutes disinfecting, everyone, including Xinghe, was waiting for him just beyond the second door.

"Why are you all still here?"

Xu Manzhi, with a smile, said to Gao Yuan, "Xinghe said we should wait for you, so we waited here. You must be hungry. We've prepared dinner for you, set for a platoon's scale. This time, ah! We guarantee not only to fill you up but also to give you a good meal!"


Xu Manzhi felt like he wanted to pick Gao Yuan up and kiss him twice.

Gao Yuan felt somewhat embarrassed, but ultimately he whispered, "Well, I'm not that hungry, I'll skip the meal. Now I need to leave again."

Everyone was taken aback. Xiang Weiguo frowned, but Luo Xingyu asked anxiously, "Where are you going now?"

Gao Yuan replied in a low voice, "I have to go and bring Jia Weidong out. Leaving him there alone is like waiting for death."

As soon as Gao Yuan said this, the few who had just been withdrawn nodded in agreement.

Xinghe was the most important, but now Xinghe had arrived at the destination. From now on, he was not completely without danger, but from now on, it was not something that Gao Yuan should be concerned about anymore.

Xu Manzhi looked towards Zhang Deshuai and asked, "What's happening?"

"One of their companions, who has four hunting dogs, refused to leave them behind and come with us. He couldn't bring the dogs along, so he stayed put. That place is indeed quite dangerous."

Gao Yuan spread his hands and said, "Yeah, I'm really not that hungry. You just need to give me the dry food. I'll go and come back quickly on my own. If things go well, I'll be back by this time tomorrow, or it might not even take that long."

Although Luo Xingyu was worried, she knew that she couldn't dissuade Gao Yuan at this point, and of course, she shouldn't try to.

Gao Yuan had the ability to save Jia Weidong, and to put it bluntly, even if he encountered a large group of zombies, he could still escape safely. But where could Jia Weidong go?

"Where do you plan to take him?"

Gao Yuan didn't hesitate to reply, "I'll send him to our camp where it's relatively safer."

Luo Xingyu looked at Xu Manzhi. She hesitated for a moment, but ultimately said, "Is it really impossible to keep dogs at the base?"

Xu Manzhi shook his head and said seriously, "I understand how you all feel, and I understand Jia Weidong's sentiments and situation. However, we have regulations. Infectious sources like cats and dogs absolutely cannot enter the base. You saw, our base is in a closed space within the mountain. Although we have ventilation systems, we still can't compare to the open spaces outside. Once a virus spreads, it would be a catastrophe. Therefore, this regulation will not change."

After speaking, Xu Manzhi waved his hand and added, "At least it won't change in the short term. It's inconvenient with rules, and we won't be opening this door."

Gao Yuan nodded in agreement, "The regulation does make sense. No worries, our camp may not compare to this place, but it's also safe. Uncle Xiang, Xiaoyu, you stay here first. Wait for me to come back."

Xu Manzhi waved his hand and said, "Name anything you need quickly, and I'll make sure you have it."

"Just pack up the food for me, and give me a knife. I don't need anything else."

Some food had been left for Jia Weidong, but Gao Yuan felt it wasn't enough, and he also needed to stock up on food. Eating a meal before leaving was attractive, but Gao Yuan really didn't want to waste any time.

A moment earlier or a moment later could mean a different fate for Jia Weidong. Gao Yuan could accept finding Jia Weidong completely fine upon arrival, but he could never accept arriving just to find that Jia Weidong had just been eaten by zombies.

The thought alone was unsettling, so since it was possible to set out a minute early, there was no reason to delay.

Gao Yuan quickly got everything he needed, then he immediately set off.

There were no grand words of departure, nor were there any final instructions. Gao Yuan simply felt like he was stepping out to take care of a task and would be back soon. Nothing more, though by staying now, he could have enjoyed the treatment a hero deserved.

Gao Yuan left with his pack. Once the door inside closed again, Xu Manzhi turned to Xinghe with a smile and said, "Now you are safe. I would like to have a proper talk with you. We have too many questions to consult with you about."

Xinghe looked around, observed the people watching him, and after a moment of silence, suddenly said, "I'm sorry, but I want to wait for Gao Yuan to come back before we talk. I need him here to answer your questions."