Chapter 136: A Thousand Years in One Step

Controlled nuclear fusion!

Infinite clean energy, an artificial sun.

There is no doubt that this is humanity's hope. The day when fossil fuels will eventually be exhausted is inevitable, and the energy conversion rate of fossil fuels is also too low. So, if humans want to enter a higher stage of civilization, solving controlled nuclear fusion is an essential problem.

In the research of controlled nuclear fusion, the Shenzhou People weren't the earliest to start, but as of today, they have delved the deepest and are the most hopeful of nearing success.

But controlled nuclear fusion is so difficult. Humans have only seen hope, knowing that this path is the correct one, yet no one knows how exactly to traverse it.

Now, someone knows what the correct pattern for controlled nuclear fusion is.

The entire command center went silent. Anyone who could sit in this room must be the most formidable scientists. They might not be physicists, but they all knew the significance of controlled nuclear fusion.

The opportunity for a significant breakthrough for humanity was right in front of their eyes, but they were hindered by the inability to communicate due to language barriers.

What the hell is this!

Li Wen said urgently, "How can this be! Are the linguists here yet?"

Gao Yuan replied in a low voice, "Linguists are useless here..."

At that moment, Xinghe spoke loudly, "I have only mastered the basic knowledge, but I believe it is still useful for your research."

Of course, it's useful. Isn't that obvious?

Basic research is often not about finding the right path but about trial and error, trying over and over again. Only when one path doesn't lead anywhere do you realize it's the wrong one, and then you try another path.

Many times, research is stumbled upon through this process of trial and error.

Many great research achievements come about because of good luck, stumbling upon a solution—it's not necessarily the best way, but it's a workable solution.

But now, Xinghe can point out the correct path directly, telling the Earthlings there's no need to explore anymore. Although they would have to build the machines themselves and solve the material issues, this path is the correct one, so stop wasting time and just go for it.

Humans have been researching the shape of aircraft, step by step finding a more rational aerodynamic shape. If an alien said you could disband your aerodynamics research institutions because I will directly tell you the ultimate design of aerodynamic layout, it would be a similar concept.

Just think of how much trouble that would save? How many detours it would prevent?

But now, being unable to communicate, imagine how terribly frustrating and infuriating that is!

Scientists are the smartest people but certainly not the most patient group. They are as easily excited as they are talented.


"What do we do!"

"Are the linguists here, are they?"


Someone suddenly stood up, crying out passionately, "Mathematics is the universal language of the universe! Use math!"

Xinghe pointed at the scientist who spoke and said, "That's right, mathematics. Mathematics is the simplest, most basic, and most efficient mode of communication. Your mathematical expression is still quite primitive, but correct."

After finishing, Xinghe said a few sentences in the alien language, and then he spoke loudly, "I need the assistance of the Mecha to translate our mathematical language into the mathematical language you are familiar with. There are several mature formulas that I think would be useful for you."

The Mecha stepped over from the side and came to Xinghe's side, then Xinghe spoke another sentence, and after that, he loudly said, "I'm going to project the formula here, please take a look."

A beam of light began to emit from the Mecha's face, and then a mathematical formula appeared on the large black screen.

There was a dead silence, Xinghe turned around to look at the many scientists and said, "Can you understand it? This is the limit of what we could translate, and fortunately, the mathematical language of Earth is completely sufficient for the physics reaction formula of controlled nuclear fusion."

Still, there was silence, but soon, a young man stood up, truly very, very young, Gao Yuan felt he was only a few years older than himself.

"I understand! I understand!"

The young man danced with joy, his hands waving in the air, and then he cried with happiness, shouting loudly, "I understand, haha! So simple!"

The nuclear physicist didn't understand, but a young man did.

Anxiously, the nuclear physicist said, "Hello, could you explain it to me?"

"Of course, of course, but don't you think we should continue to look down?"

"Yes, yes, may I ask which unit you're from?"

"Yuzch from the Mathematics Science Academy, we'll talk later!"

Xinghe smiled and then his Mecha displayed a very complex mechanical blueprint, like a mechanical drawing, but there was a problem, this blueprint was three-dimensional.

Extremely complicated, massively huge, Gao Yuan just glanced at it and felt dizzy.

Li Wen emitted a light sound from the side, Gao Yuan turned his head to look, only to find Li Wen with tears streaming down his face.

Li Wen took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his nose, realizing Gao Yuan was watching him, he said in a slightly nasal voice, "Now you know what Xinghe stands for, don't you? Now you know the meaning of the sacrifices made for Xinghe, don't you?"

Gao Yuan also said softly, "I know, I actually always knew."

Li Wen sighed softly and said, "I also knew a while ago, but what Xinghe brought us, far exceeded our most optimistic expectations. We gathered all the top scientists in every category, hoping that perhaps we could make a breakthrough in some area. I didn't expect the most urgent need, the first need, to be solved first, it's really great!"

Gao Yuan looked at Xinghe who was now talking with an academician from the engineering academy; because physicists study theory, theory is of course important, but the machines or reactors, or rather the entire system needed to realize controlled nuclear fusion, required specialized nuclear engineers to research.

Xinghe presented the third diagram, which was dense with text data.

"This is the composition of the material needed, the best material ratios, the difficulty of controlled nuclear fusion… is how to withstand extremely high temperatures. Earth's existing materials can't achieve that, as for how to solve it, you'll need to research on your own…"

Controlled nuclear fusion is a systems engineering problem, it is impossible that just because the theory has made a breakthrough, the engineering will immediately catch up. Even if the engineering structure keeps pace with progress, there's also the restriction of materials.

But Xinghe could provide a complete solution, whether humanity could ultimately realize it was now a human matter.

So controlled nuclear fusion is also a project that could drive the overall progress of Earth's technology, from theory to structure to raw materials, nearly all domains are new breakthroughs, significant breakthroughs.

About controlled nuclear fusion was discussed for an hour, this hour should be the hour of greatest progress in the history of mankind on Earth.

Without Xinghe, humans may never have been able to achieve controlled nuclear fusion, nor understand how to realize it, because when the Serpent People arrived, humans had no chance to achieve it anymore.

But Xinghe's arrival meant that humanity now knew how to proceed, and what Xinghe provided was the ultimate form of controlled nuclear fusion, of course, only the ultimate form after they had researched and used it for several thousand years.

This one hour allowed humanity to skip a thousand years, perhaps even eternity.