Chapter 170 Effortless


Finding the National Laboratory wasn't difficult, the hard part was how to avoid the zombies.

Never give zombies the chance to gather in large numbers, absolutely not. Other than that, Gao Yuan would hide if he could, and if not, he'd kill his way through directly.

He had already neared the National Laboratory, and the smooth journey thus far hadn't caused Gao Yuan to let his guard down.

Gao Yuan stopped in his tracks because there were scattered zombies on the road ahead.

He could charge through directly without a problem, but Gao Yuan didn't want to be chased by zombies into the laboratory; if that happened, even if he could get his hands on the nuclear materials, how could he ensure that he would be able to leave with them?

Therefore, Gao Yuan decided to take a detour, even if he couldn't completely avoid the zombies. He wanted to find a route with the fewest zombies so that even if he had to eliminate all the zombies on his path before going in, he would have a safe and convenient escape route when coming out.

In the past, Gao Yuan had relied on his brains to survive because he didn't have any special skills that ensured he would survive better than anyone else, so he had no choice but to be more prepared than others and to gain some advantages through more extensive planning.

Now Gao Yuan had exceptional strength which allowed him to accomplish tasks without having to rely on his brains, using the simplest, most direct, and brutal methods to do what others couldn't. So why bother overthinking?

But now, if Gao Yuan decided to play it safe, he could indeed be extra cautious and nip risks in the bud.

Moving stealthily to the back of a zombie, he swiftly approached and decapitated it with a single strike. Gao Yuan then quickly hid to one side, feeling that he had mastered the essence of being a zombie assassin.

Targeting isolated ones, staying out of sight, striking from behind; he was cleaning up one by one in this way.

Actually, Gao Yuan could have passed through directly, but since his goal was to clear out a retreat path, it made sense to take care of any zombie he could handle. This was the equivalent of "sharpening the axe before chopping wood."

Finally, the perimeter wall of the National Laboratory of Nuclear Physics appeared in Gao Yuan's night vision goggles.

This laboratory didn't even show up on the map, its walls weren't high, and the sign hanging out front was discreet. However, the facility occupied a vast area and was forested with large trees; even before the disaster, not many people were seen around here.

Had it not been for the need to retrieve nuclear materials, Gao Yuan would never have come to such a place, let alone enter it.

Without using his hands, Gao Yuan simply jumped over the wall, then he proceeded cautiously forward instead of running.

Still, he couldn't be negligent because the laboratory occupied such a large area with a favorable environment, filled with trees uncommon in the city. This also led to a problem: the number of birds would be substantial, and there would be more small animals than in other areas.

It was quite likely that birds' calls could attract zombies inside. If there were only a few zombies inside, it wouldn't be a big deal, but if there were many, that would be troublesome.

Of course, it was improbable that a horde of zombies gathered near the National Laboratory of Nuclear Physics, but being cautious was always right.

The main feature of the National Laboratory was its extensive grounds. As for the buildings, they didn't look anything like a national institution. The first building Gao Yuan stumbled upon was a small three-story building, which was the main office building of the National Laboratory.

He used the main office building as a marker.

Next, it was time to find the entrance to the laboratory.

Walking two hundred meters west, Gao Yuan arrived in front of a two-story building. It wasn't at all conspicuous, marked only by a simple sign that read "laboratory." From any angle, it looked incredibly ordinary, extremely ordinary.

The building's main door was locked with a wooden door secured by a U-shaped lock usually used for bicycles, and it was a generic brand one at that.

A single hammer strike could shatter the lock, but Gao Yuan didn't smash it. Instead, he pulled out a key from his pocket, the key specifically made for this lock.

After unlocking it, Gao Yuan slowly pushed open the wooden door and entered the laboratory.

Up to this point, everything had been easy, and moving further inside was just as easy. Passing through a short corridor, Gao Yuan reached an elevator.

The entire city had no power, so how would this elevator operate?

Gao Yuan pressed the elevator's down button; then the doors slid open, and the lights within brightened the dark corridor.

Gao Yuan let out a sigh of relief and stepped into the elevator.


Gao Yuan took out a card and placed it at the elevator's card reader, the elevator doors automatically closed, and immediately began descending.

Gao Yuan turned off the night vision goggles and lifted the eyepiece.

The elevator stopped, and although Gao Yuan didn't know how many floors he had descended, it wasn't a long time.

The elevator doors opened behind Gao Yuan, who turned and walked into a not-so-large space.

The lighting was bright, the space was small, and it was evident that it was meant to be occupied, but of course, there was nobody there now.

Holding the card in his hand and recalling the procedure, Gao Yuan walked towards another elevator in front.

Right outside the elevator was a card swiper, Gao Yuan directly placed his card on it, and after a soft beep, the digital keypad lit up.

Gao Yuan began to input the password, which was written on the card, as he had written it down to avoid forgetting it.

Because the password was a full twelve characters long...

After entering the password, Gao Yuan took out another card, swiped it again, but this time without entering a password, then the elevator doors finally opened.

Up until now everything had been simple, because the people who should have been guarding the laboratory weren't there, there was no security supervisor to repeatedly verify Gao Yuan's identity, and not to mention Gao Yuan had the highest security level identity card in the world, along with a twelve-digit password.

Gao Yuan finally entered the elevator.

The elevator descended again, this time for a slightly longer duration.

When the elevator doors opened again, Gao Yuan stepped out, walked through a short sealed corridor, and pushed open a door, what appeared before his eyes was a space so large it was frightening.

This was underground, yet it was the largest hall Gao Yuan had ever seen, in front of him there were no flickering lights from machines, only a green floor, and enormous cylindrical equipment, similarly styled machines lined up one after the other, each of different sizes and shapes.

No wonder it was impossible to transfer all the equipment to the Supreme Command, that was Gao Yuan's first thought.

But this was not a place of work, it was just a storage area for the equipment, as well as for the nuclear materials.

They weren't all in the same space, Gao Yuan turned around, heading in the opposite direction of the equipment, and then he came before a steel door.

This time, no card was needed, Gao Yuan took out a small key, inserted it into the keyhole in the steel door, gently turned it twice, and then he pushed open the massive and thick steel door.

After a long corridor, at the end was a circular steel door, looking very much like the vault doors in movies.

Gao Yuan took out two more keys again, one key was inserted on the left side of the door, the other on the right, and then he took out a metal rod from his bag.

He grabbed the rod and pulled to the sides, it extended like a radio antenna, and then carefully, Gao Yuan locked the metal rod, now extended to four meters, on both ends to the keys.

The door was supposed to be opened by two people simultaneously, turning the keys before turning the combination lock to access the door, since it was impossible for one person's hands to stretch four meters.

The solution was simple, a metal rod solved the problem, but one had to know, nobody was supposed to enter this place with any tools whatsoever.

Unless, of course, the place no longer had guards.

Carefully turning the metal rod, after confirming he heard a distinct click, Gao Yuan rotated the combination lock on the steel door, input the twelve-character password, and then he turned the handle, after another distinct click, he slowly pushed open the heavy steel door.

Gao Yuan had rehearsed this process many times, not countless, but under the direct supervision of the scientists at the National Laboratory of Nuclear Physics, he had practiced at least a few hundred times, so now everything was extremely familiar, there was no way he would enter the wrong password three times in a row.

If the password was entered incorrectly, the system wouldn't explode or anything, it would just lock down, and then a lot of people would rush over, but of course, no one was going to rush over now.

The door had opened, Gao Yuan walked into the warehouse.