Renato had a short chat with General Yaral Bennett, who had hurried over, but they didn't talk for long. After a few minutes, Yaral walked towards Gao Yuan and his group, prompting Gao Yuan to step away from the armored vehicle he had been leaning against to meet him.

Meeting a general, it was certainly correct to don a military uniform and initiate a salute.

Gao Yuan saluted, and Yaral returned the gesture. They shook hands, and then Yaral promptly said, "Hello, I am Yaral Bennett, Major General of the Israel Defense Forces Army. You are from Shenzhou, right? You must be exhausted."

Gao Yuan couldn't understand him, but after waiting for Li Yang to translate, he smiled and said, "My name is Gao Yuan, captain of the Spark Squad of Shenzhou. I'm pleased to meet you, General."