Chapter 664 Keep Going

The Blade of Satan was now redundant because the intelligence of the monsters exceeded Ram's expectations.

One by one, weakened versions of Gao Yuan attacked from all directions—who could withstand that?

Perhaps only Ram.

Nate had taken refuge in a tank, those who could enter armored vehicles had done so, and Xiang Weiguo could no longer concern himself with secrecy on all sides. He opened the top hatch of the modified Type 59 from the inside and shouted to Ram, "Get in!"

Now the only ones left outside were just a few people: Li Jinfang, Ailin, Grolyov, as well as Li Jingang and Ashraf.

No one was foolish enough to exchange their life with the monsters if they could utilize cover.

But Ram did not jump into the modified Type 59 because he felt that once inside, it would be difficult to get out again.