6. Remorse

I awaken and find my self sprawled over a table. The smell of cigarettes and booze fill the air. There is voices chattering but I cant quite make out individual conversations. Soft jazz and piano plays in the background. I sit up and notice four empty glasses set haphazardly on the table. I remember why I am here, to drink away the memories of that day.

I remember how we got lost in the woods and Coleman stepped on a landmine. I remember we tried to carry him back when we were ambushed by German soldiers. I was the sole survivor. I often ask myself why did they die for me. I have felt gut wrenching shame ever since. Tears roll down my face, I wipe my eyes and rise to put on my jacket and hat. I go to the register and pay my dues. I walk out of the door in to the cold nights air. Lights and signs bring about the the much sought after city life. I walk alone and beside myself lost in thought. "Why me?" I cry softly, "Why me?"
