5. Ladies of the Night

21:30, I hitched a ride to the west end of town and find the so called Pink Slipper. I think to myself maybe this Delaney ran off with a girl. I enter the brothel and the place reeks of smoke, alcohol and unholy practices. Pretty young women, scantly clad, walk past me dragging along behind them eager young men and soldiers. The building had the air of sinful glee. I walk up to who appears to be the lady of the house. She asks," How can I help you honey? You seem rather lonesome tonight." "Thanks, but I'll pass." I respond. She snaps, "Then what do you want?" "Answers." I return sharply. "You know what this place is don't you?" she says smugly. I retort "I mean a man! A man who was last seen here." "Men pass through here all the time honey." she spouts.

" I'm looking for private named Delaney. I heard he was here last night." "I know nothing about a Delaney." she states, rolling her eyes. "I know he was here." I state aggravatedly. "Unless you would like one of my girls, I don't believe I can help you Lieutenant" she promptly turns and goes about servicing other young couples.

Just then I catch a pair of eyes glancing curiously at me from a table. A pretty woman stares at me, smiling mischievously. She rises and starts toward me. Her innocent looking frame and dress betrays her true intentions. In a thick french accent "Bonjour monsieur!" she starts, slowly running a finger down my chest. Not meaning to, I blush and look away. She says playfully, "I have the answer in which you seek!"

Suddenly she snatches me by the hand and I am soon being dragged along out of the lobby, down a hallway and in to a room. She throws me forward and locks the door. I stand in a room dimly lit by candles, a large bed sits in the corner and the windows are draped with heavy curtains but the moon light shines through. I turn to her angrily but she looks to me with shifty eyes and a round gentle face. "Monsieur." she begins in a whisper, "I know what happened to your missing soldiers, for they were here." "You know where they went?" I asked shocked for this was not what I expected. "The madam was not being honest with you. I see these men come in but I do not see them leave."

"Do you know what happened?" I inquire still in a whisper. "No, I am new here and the other girls do not tell me anything."

Just then we are interrupted by sharp knocks on the door. Her eyes are now wide with fear. "Hold still." she whispers frantically. I freeze and she kisses me, with soft lips, on my cheeks and lipstick paints my face. She unlocks and opens the door. "Ah madam Jeanne we were just finishing." The madam looks to me as I stand there stunned and blushing. "Ah Lieutenant I see you decided to indulge in our services after all." says the madam slowly walking down the hall. The mysterious lady of the night turns to me and whispers in my ears "Find Miss Niome, she use to be a girl here. She lives on tenth street."

Suddenly she pushes me out and closes the door. I stand there dazed and confused on what just happened but now I have a lead. I go to the bathroom and rinse the lipstick off my face. I exit the building and step out in to the cold nights air. A full moon beams from the heavens. I spot a black cat hiding in the alley across the way. It stares out at me with yellow eyes that peer through the dark. It watches me for a while as a flag down a taxi. after a while my salvation arrives and I return to my hotel. As I step out of the taxi, I look and see again another black cat with deep yellow eyes staring at me from across the street.

I enter the hotel, find my room and to my shock, a black cat with yellow eyes blocks my path. It sits at the threshold looking up at me with piercing eyes. I am unnerved. I shoo away the creature with my foot and it scampers off. I enter my room, close and lock the door. I have to find madame Niome tomorrow, I think to my self. I remove my uniform, slide into bed and drift to sleep.