7. Library

12:31 I enter the public library and ask the librarian where copies of the city archives

are. She walks me down the rows upon rows of bookcases. We stop and she pulls out from the case an almost ancient rolled up piece of parchment. She turns and informs me that this is a map of the cities known catacombs. She leaves and soon returns again with a map of the cities sewer system. I take these to one of the many tables that sit in the middle of the library.

The library is a big square two story building where walkways with half rails line the second floor. The rows of bookscase leave room in the center of the building for a few tables with chairs. That is where I pour over maps of the cities underground and compare it to a modern map of the city. I along the way found a history of the city.

A storm blows in and the sound of rain and thunder can be heard. Rain washes against the second story windows. I cross examine the archives and come to the ironic conclusion that the Pink Slipper sits on the site of ancient church. There is a network of catacombs under the brothel and there is an adjacent series of sewers that connects in places to the ancient labyrinth. Also interesting enough there has been a series of scandals involving the Pink Slipper. Several disappearances also occured in the town during the first world war.

I look at my watch and it is now 16:30 and the outside is now dark and stormy. As far as I know I am the only person in the library aside from the magically disappearing librarian. I glance around me and gently fold the maps and slide them in to my uniform pocket, something that is definitely not with in the spectrum of legal. I look up and see several tables in front of a woman standing across from me. Funny I could have sworn that I was alone.

The woman stands there looking down, she is incredibly pale with with long black hair that flows over her shoulders. She stands there a while not moving. Then suddenly she moves forward not walking but floating. A ghost! She passes through the tables still maintaining her stiff posture.

Slowly she comes toward me passing through tables as if they never existed. I am terrified, I try to yell out but my voice makes no sound. I tremble as she approaches me and just as suddenly she disappears. I look around frantically but there is no sight of the apparition. Suddenly she appears to me face to face, she raises her head to reveal she doesn't have a face just blackness! I scream out.

I awaken sprawled over the table. I sit up and furiously rub my eyes. Another nightmare? Why does this keep happening? I rise and turn in the books and leave. I step out in to the raging storm, rain pours over me. I, soaked, try to flag down a ride to no avail. I decide to walk the few blocks to the hotel and brave the storm. Im now soaked to the bone but continue forward. I think to my self what if those women are seducing and kidnapping soldiers and sending them to the germans. The madam of the house won't tell me and I can't just wander around in there. I decide that I must investigate the catacombs, there I might find the missing men.

As I walk and pass alleyways, something catches my eyes. Shadowy hooded figures stand in the dark. Every alley I pass, a hooded figure stands there, I can't see their faces but I know they watch me.

I continue faster now and look behind me. The hooded figures grow in numbers and trail me.

A good dozen must be following. I hurry quicker now, I'm only a block away. The rain pelts me, the cool air freezes me. I look back again and their number doubled! They follow me closer, I panic and speed in to sprint. I make it through the door and burst into the lobby. There startled guests stare at what they must believe a dripping madman. I rush to the window and peer out, and to my surprise, find them gone. No where to be found were my hooded stalkers. I am deeply unnerved and shaken. For who were they and what did they want with me. This must be in relation to the case but the entire brothel couldn't have organized this. Something sinister is happening in this town.

I retire to my room and quickly locked the door. I remove my dripping uniform and also hang it, along with the now soaked maps, to dry. I step in to the shower and think what have I gotten myself in to. I exit the shower and don night clothes. I study the drying maps to discover the nearest entrance to the catacombs is the sewer near an abandon train depot. I decide to take my rest and climb in bed still a little unnerved but to tired to care. I fall into slumber.

I am suddenly awaken and my eyes are thrust open and I see shadows in my view. I reach over and turn on the lamp. In a burst of light I see before me the hooded figures from before! They surround my bed, their dark brown cloaks and hoods prevent me from identifying them. I scream and they simultaneously brandish knives. The stab at me in unison the blades pierce my chest. The burning pain envelopes me as they hack at my body. I cry in agony and one, in a swift carving motion, rips out my heart still beating and stabs it.