Chapter Twenty five:

"You're so stubborn. You don't listen to a thing. I just asked you to do one simple thing and you go ahead and mess it up?" Oliver yelled at Amber who casually sipped the content of the glass she was holding.

"You'll be the end of us one of these days," Oliver said rubbing his temples.

"Oh please," Amber sneered. "I did what was right and I don't regret it one bit," Amber said nonchalantly.

"What was right? Amber are you stupid? You fucking went to that wedding uninvited and poisoned my brother's wife!"Oliver yelled angrily,snatching the glass away from her and throwing into the white painted walls.

"How dare you?!" Amber yelled angrily, now on her feet.

"What are you going to do, huh?" Oliver asked in a challenging tone. "Tell me you stupid whore," he yelled hitting her across the face. Amber staggered back and fell into the couch. Before she could react, Oliver had her hair in a tight grip causing her scalp to burn. Just when she was about to retaliate and idea struck her suddenly changing her mind.

"I think you're forgetting your place Amber. But I'll remind you. You're that same old filthy homeless girl I picked up years back. You have have nothing and everything you own is mine because it was bought out of my money. You hear that? " Oliver lifting her violently from the couch.

"You son is a bitch, you think you scare me?" Amber chuckled trying to free herself from his grip but he only held tighter.

"You're always living in the shadows whiles your brother lives all the life.....You're a rat who can only come out at night when the whole world is sleeping....You suck at everything. Go on hit me," Amber winced in pain as tears blurred her vision.

" I still need you bitch that is why you're still alive," Oliver said, holding her chin in a harsh manner.

"Typical Oliver Logan. You're a weak bastard who is always dependent on others. A true Logan blood runs through your veins. You're just like you father..." Another heavy slap landed on Amber's cheeks as soon the word father left her mouth.

"Come on Oliver, you can do more. Make me beg you to release me. Cause me pain...."Amber smirked as she received another slap. Her face hurt badly and blood trickled down her lip.

"You can make a woman beg you and you call yourself a man?" Amber scoffed this time received a blow in her lower abdomen.

The pain was unbearable and what Amber wanted to do is scream but she had other plans in mind for Oliver. All she had to do was endure it a bit longer and then she would enjoy the fruit of her labor.

" You can a punch? You're a weak..." another punch landed on the same area around her abdomen. "Pathetic bastard," Amber completes her sentence despite all the punches.

Oliver knew he was going too far with her but it was simple. He didn't care. He knew she was in great pain but he wanted to hear her beg. He wasn't going to kill her. He was going to inflict more pain until she screamed her lungs out.

He wanted her to know who she belonged to.

Tossing her on the floor, she watched as he unbuckled his belt and wrap half of it around his arm.

"Hit me. Go on hit me," Amber laughed like a manic, wiping the tears that had stained her cheeks at the same time. "Show the whole world what a weakling you are," Amber added as strokes after strokes touched her body.

After what seemed like forever, Oliver stopped and threw the belt on the floor before storming off.

"Weakling!" He heard Amber say as he went upstairs.


Damian's eyes flew open and the first thing that greeted him was Maya's dark hair that was covering his face. He took in a deep breath letting the strawberry scent of her hair fill his lungs. He gently raised his head and pulled back a little letting the hair fall on the bed.

As if feeling the sudden distance in her sleep, Maya snuggled closer to Damian and he smiled, wrapping her in his arms tightly. One of his hands rested between her breasts and the other around her waist. He couldn't the raising and falling of her chest with every breath she took and he felt his member down there reacting.

Damian gently leaned forward and placed in a kiss on her before resting his head on her shoulder. He didn't realize he had falling so hard for this woman in his arm but he was glad he had.

Just then his phone buzzes drawing his attention.

"What is it?" He asked coldly as soon as the phone touched his ear.

"I'll be right there. Stay with her and ask the rest to check the area of any sign of Oliver or his people," Damian said hopping of the bed as gently as he could. The matter downstairs needed his immediate attention but he didn't want to spoil his wife's beauty sleep. He slipped into a night robe and went downstairs to meet the guard standing beside an almost lifeless body.

Maya sat up immediately the door opened and closed. She rubbed her the sleep off her eyes as she wondered who was downstairs. Damian had said "her" so that meant that person was a woman. But what did she want from Damian at this time of the day and how did she even know Damian was here? Grandpa had bought this beach for their wedding so apart from the invited guests and workers, no one else knew this place.

Maya grabbed her night robe from the same place Damian took his and hurriedly wore it before slipping into a pair of slippers.

"Damian is everything alright?" Damian heard Maya call softly and he turned to see her approaching.

"Everything is fine wife, just go back to bed," Damian said moving towards her.

Just as Maya was about to leave the body on the floor caught her eye. She immediately walked past Damian and knelt beside the woman who was in the floor, covered in sand and blood.

"Who is she and what happened to her?" Maya asked, looking horrified.

"'t do this,did you?" Maya asked with a shaky voice.

"I wish I did but sadly I didn't," Damian chuckled, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"What do mean?" Maya frowned stealing a quick glance at the woman. 'Whoever did this to her should be put behind bars,' she thought feeling sorry for the woman.

"Don't worry about that," Damian replied shutting her up with a short kiss. He carried her bridal style whiles instructing the guards to take her to the hospital. "I'll take it from there tomorrow morning," Damian said with a smirk Maya didn't notice since she was busily staring at the woman being put in the car.