Chapter Thirty-six.

Amber tried to hide her worry but it didn't work. It was drawn all over her face beads of sweat started forming on her forehead despite the fan being on. She would occasionally sigh and looked st the door for any sign of Ron or someone Damian could have sent to investigate the matter. Her heart would stop anytime Damian's phone screen lit up. 

Seconds turned into minutes as the time passed and Damian's phone finally rang. A slight shiver washed over her when Damian's thumb hit the accept button. 

"Did you find anything." Amber heart stopped as she waited for what would come next. 

"What do you mean by nothing 'sir'?" Damian said angrily the word 'Sir' leaving sarcastically out of his mouth. Amber let out a deep breath. She was safe for now and she didn't have much time. 'Where the hell is Viper and why wasn't he answering her calls.