Chapter Thirty eight:

"Amber!" Maya's heart made her heart jumped. Amber heaved a huge relief sigh and turned to Maya. 'Thank goodness it was all my imagination," Amber said to herself. Those images were vivid, it was like something was being revealed to her. 

'Calm down Amber, just calm down," she told herself taking in deep breaths.

"Are you ok? You look so absentminded and distant. Is something bugging you?" Maya asked. 

"No, it's nothing. I'm just drained,"

Amber smiled, hoping that would be enough to shut her up.

"Then why don't you go home and rest?" Maya suggested. 

"No, Damian is going to get mad. Besides he asked me to stay here with you. He won't forgive me if something happens to you,"Amber sighed.

"Just go, I know what to tell him when he arrives," Maya insisted and Amber nodded.

"I'll see you later" Amber said and got up to leave.

Maya nodded and mumbled a goodbye as Amber walked out.