Chapter Forty eight:

Maya scanned her closet, she selected a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie and put it on. Walking to her dressing mirror, she gathered her hair and tied it into a messy ponytail whiles staring at the clock's reflection in the mirror. 

"6:30" it read. Eight hours had left the twenty four hours. She put on a pair of black converse and walked out of her room, making sure nobody saw her. She was going to spy on Amanda herself and gather all information she needed. 

Thankfully with Ron's help she was able to get one of the tiniest camera from Damian's tech shop. She pinned the camera to her Jodie and stopped a cab. 

"The camera comes with a microphone too, it can record anything she says," Ron informed her. He didn't like the idea of her going after Maya herself. It was going to be dangerous thing to do and he would be responsible if anything happened to her. He had tried to talk her out but Maya was adamant so he just let her be.