Chapter Fifty-one:

Amanda cleared her throat loudly gaining the couple attention. She plastered a fake smile on her face and approached them.

"Good to have you back Damian," she said and Damian hummed in response, trying to make her aware that her presence wasn't needed. 

"I'm so happy for you Maya," Amber said trying to sound as genuine as possible. She walked to the fridge and poured herself a glass of orange juice and turned to leave. 

"When are you moving out?"

Damian's question took her by surprise, almost making her drop the glass she was holding. He was actually waiting for her to move out? Why? Weren't they cool? She saved Maya's life and he wanted her out? Why? Did Amanda say something? Maybe Oliver did. 

"Damian that's not a nice thing to say," Maya scolded him, obviously taken aback by Damian's question.