Chapter Ninety one:

"Please don't hit my stomach, spare my innocent baby, please," the woman begged for mercy, desperate to save her unborn child. But these people, driven by their own dark ambitions were unmoved by her pleas.

"Don't spare her, hit her," a familiar voice yelled from the corner of the room. They continued their assault, inflicting more pain on her.

Renee was suddenly jolted awake, her heart racing from the terrible nightmare she just had.

As she sat up on the bed, her mind was clouded with remnants of the dream, she took a deep breath trying to calm herself. Why does she keep having this particular nightmare? Was there something she wasn't remembering? What was going on? Why did the nightmare feel so real? Why was she begging them to spare her child? Who were those men? And why did one particular voice familiar?She shivered, feeling a chill run down her spine as she remembered the dark shadows and haunting images.