A Glimpse Into The Past (1)

As soon as Aiden woke up, he threw up a lot of blood and had to feed from Ryan. After that, he lost consciousness and fell asleep.

After who knew how many cycles, Aiden fell asleep for good. It was the kind of sleep that ended up lasting for three whole days and three whole nights.

In his sleep, Aiden started dreaming about the past.

He opened his eyes to the beautiful, glimmering water surface in front of him. He was standing on a ship that was bobbing up and down in the vast sea.

The ship was slowly approaching the land ahead of them.

"Lord Langley, we are going to arrive in England soon," a man's slimy voice was heard from Aiden's left side. The latter turned his head to look at a male servant who was ingratiating himself with an important-looking gentleman.

Said gentleman let out a booming laughter and proclaimed, "Most certainly. It will be MY England soon."