Night At The Garden (1)

"I heard about what happened," Porter made an apologetic gesture with both hands clasped before his chest.

"I am so, terribly sorry for what happened. At the same time, I want to thank Liam for his gallant behavior. I don't know what embarrassing stories my daughter put in the diary. If not for Liam, Alicia's diary is going to be read by the entire class."

It was great that Porter took the initiative to thank Liam, but Alicia could have just stepped up and taken the diary back from Liam.

Then again, Aiden was not sure if Alicia was even there to witness the altercation. At that time, Aiden did not pay any attention to the other children in the classroom.

"At any rate, welcome to the PTA," Porter continued cheerfully. "Let's be friends. Our children are both quite new at St. Andrew. Takes time to adapt to the new surroundings."

"Are you new in this area?" Aiden asked.