After an intense and thorough session of overindulging sex, Sae was now lying down next to Adam with her head resting on Adam's arm as she roughly breathed out tired sighs.

"This was… Hah, I think I got a little too excited there."

Now that the throes of passion were settling down, she could feel her lower part aching quite a bit. Evidence of the overbearing activities that they indulged in not long ago.

"You think?"

Adam laughed in pure disbelief.

The sheets were completely covered in their sexual fluids. The floor had four different sets and types of condoms on it and the room smelled like nothing he had ever smelled before.

Not only did they do it on the bed, but also against the wall and even on the floor. The room looked like a tornado had swept in and wreaked havoc inside.

"By the way what time is it now?"