As the sun rose in the sky, the world seemed to have come alive, from its previous stagnant and silent state, as people started waking up with the first rays of the sun and prepared themselves to face the day ahead. Whether to go to work, exercise, or simply sleep in as it was a Saturday.

The neighborhood where Adam and Cecilia lived was no exception to this phenomenon. Everywhere, one could see cars leaving houses or young and old people alike running on the asphalt with their earphones plugged in. Jogging or just simply taking a quick run out to enjoy the scenery of an early morning.

Everywhere, there were touches of Halloween decorations that could still be seen occupying the streets and houses. Though some were already starting to take them off to clear out the rubble as the holiday was no more.

It was the start of a beautiful day. At least that is what Shuri thought as she pulled over and stopped in front of the house of her dear friend and nephew.