After Aleksandra left the room to find some clothes for him, Adam stood up from the bed and approached a rather large mirror, that was fitted near a dressing table in the large room, in order to inspect his current state.

'No wounds. Not even a scar.'

As always, his body was currently in a flawless state, courtesy of dying and then resurrecting in his peak form. But it still didn't change the fact that he should be in pretty bad shape right now after having used his powers like that.

'What happened, Genesis?'

{They gave you a special potion. It was a low-grade potion, but for someone with a mortal body like yours, healing simple wounds like the ones you received as backlash wasn't that much complicated.}


He mused, a bit taken aback, but still nodded in understanding. Since there were witches and the like already, then the existence of special potions was nothing out of ordinary.

{Alchemy is a deep and profound road with limitless prospects.}