For Adam, the only way to gain even more time was to enter the library and last even longer than he did during his previous visit.

The last time he entered the Library, he was only able to last approximately 3 weeks before he reached his limits and had to leave the Nexus.

But this was when he had basically no power, no Prana whatsoever, and had merely one major chakra opened.

Be it in terms of skills or experience or even mindset, the current him was completely different from the past him that had entered the Library.

He had survived the assimilation of the great Celestial— Buddha and died more than a hundred times during his gruesome training to open all of his minor veins.

He had already greatly expanded the power of his mind through the opening of his Crown Chakra and even unlocked his unique ability— The World.

He didn't know how long he could last during his ensuing visit but surely at least two months should be manageable for him, right?
