[LA International Airport]

It was already the next day after Adam woke up from his slumber and his visit to the Library of Akasha.

Even though months went by inside the Nexus, only a few hours passed by in the real world. But this changed nothing about his inevitable destiny.

Adam died once again due to the effect of the time dilation coming back at him in full force. Eve had made it clear and he already experienced it last time.

Even though only a few hours went by in the real world, when he comes back, his body would act as if he went through the whole four months. This mean No food and no water for that amount of time.

Obviously, like last time, the only possible results was Death.

The good thing, as sad as it may be, was that dying from 3 weeks of famine or four months of famine was the same regardless. So the pain did not particularly increase or decrease this time around.