CH 153: STEALING (3)

Hae-Won blinked slightly as she heard Adam's proposal before nodding her head hurriedly in haste…

"Ahh. Indeed I have heard of that game. Though sadly, I never had the chance to play it. What are the rules?"

Adam sighed inwardly at the innocence of the woman in front of him. He had some modicum of scruple about what he was about to do now. But Adam squashed those feelings aside with no hesitation whatsoever. This was not the time to dwell on these flimsy feelings of his.

What he was doing right now was nothing in front of what he may or had to do in the future. For that reason, he had to keep his heart strong and not falter at the very first problem.

"The rules are pretty simple actually. Truth or Dare. If you choose Truth, you have to answer any question with the truth and the whole truth. If you choose Dare, you have to do something the other asks you to. Obviously, as long as it isn't anything that can harm you that is.