A beautiful silver-haired woman, wrapped in a holy halo, waved her hand toward him while focusing on her work.

"Hi! I am happy to see you again, Adam…"

When Adam opened his eyes, he found himself in the immense library, that seemed to stretch on and on limitlessly, once more. It was becoming a familiar sight at this point. A sight he found welcoming as it sparked the advent of his growth.

This time, unlike his previous visit, however, Eve could be seen working as she was putting the books in the bookshelves pertaining to a certain order. She was floating quietly in the air, while a multitude of books surrounded her floating in the same way as her, waiting to be put in their respective places. She seemed to be busy at the moment, as even the brief welcome she had sent her way seemed to be made in haste.

"Have I come at a bad time?"