When the credits started to roll, Eve wiped a tear that was threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes.

The anime they just finished watching was a rather old anime about a young man, who met and fell in love with a girl he encountered during his time in high school. Their love bloomed and they spent some magical time together. However, the dream life shattered when he saw her die in his arms as she gave birth to their daughter.

This ended up with the daughter also dying near the end but thanks to certain magic that had been foreshadowed through the two seasons, the reality was rewritten and time rewound up to the moment when the wife gave birth and she was able to survive. [1].

"Even though I have been watching this a few times in a row already, I can't help but fall in love with this story and just tear up every single time. What a wonderful story of love and dedication. Truly beautiful and mesmerizing…"