[Outskirt of Los Angeles — Deserted Canyons]

The next day, as the sun rose in the high skies and bathed the world in its blazing light. People in some sort of uniform, belonging to a certain organization, could be seen mingling around in the debris of what used to be a mansion. Some of them were taking pictures of what was left of the corpses before they were put in bags in order to be further studied by the forensics department.

"Ugh… I must say, this is really a sight to give you the chills for days."

"First time? Trust me, stay here long enough and you will only yawn while seeing things of this caliber. You'll become desensitized to everything soon enough."

Two middle-aged men were having a bleak chat as they worked their way on taking out a completely blackened and burned hand without worsening the damage done to the severed limb and commented idly.