When Adam entered the bar from behind he was slightly frustrated. He had sadly been unable to meet Cecilia when going home. Her phone was unreachable and all she said was that she was having dinner outside with her sister.

Adam was rather happy that Cecilia was tying once again to her sister. But he would have rather had her present when he came with the Medusa potion.

'At least she will be safe with her sister.'

Adam thought simply as he walked down the stairs, invisible to all. This power was really useful and just imagining the number of crimes he could commit with it was astounding.

'Though I need to work on heat.'

He wasn't perfect yet but this was coming. Rome was not built in one day and he was really happy with the result.

"You are here."

When Adam opened the door, he was surprised to hear Yui say this as she looked exactly in his direction.

He moved the image away and appeared in front of her before taking a seat, "How did you find me?"