CH 227: BAPTISM (3)

"So, what do you want?"

『 Name: Oscar Rodriguez

Affiliation: Hunter Association/Vatican

Alias: none

Race: Human

Age: 38 』

『 Name: Susanne Brown

Affiliation: Hunter Association/Vatican

Alias: none

Race: Human

Age: 27 』

Sitting outside in a park with a beautiful clearing, Adam spoke coldly as he looked at the normal people walking around, jogging or simply having fun.

"Haha, sorry to disturb you."

Oscar gave a small laugh but Adam had no care for it. He could easily see how they were wary of him and it was the same for him.

This was one of the reasons why he had not invited them to his house.

In the supernatural world, the house was no different from a sanctuary and even if one did not create a ward, a natural ward would appear over time. This kind of ward was rather strong against supernatural creatures. But the moment you gave someone the permission to enter your house, the ward would never block that person again.