After Adam left Elysia's office, she slumped a little in her chair and released a sigh. Having to constantly keep the facade of a saintess was not easy and sometimes she wished she could simply act as slovenly as she wished without a care.

Sadly, rest was for the dead and she had too many things she needed to take into account.

"What do you think?"

{There are many topics we need to talk about. Which one first?}

The voice of her friend and companion sounded in her mind as always and a beautiful light flashed before a small woman with angel wings appeared floating in the air.

"Let's start with him."

{He is certainly a very special human, a little too special even. But I seriously doubt that he is related to Cain.}

She shook her head, {All the creatures created by Cain are abominations and pitiful attempts to reach what was once there. But it's impossible. Humans can never get back their original divinity, even if they manage to transcend.}

"Do you think he can become an enemy?"